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Posts posted by TheAprilFools
Whenever my new query arrives I place it in the appropriate database, this in GSAK. I then filter based on "dates" date of last update GPX - asking for caches in the database from a date BEFORE the current GPX upload. All those caches have been archived. I then delete the caches caught in that filter.
The filter Last GPX Update "Not During" the last "10 Days" also works. You can then either delete these caches, or Database > Move/Copy Waypoints these caches into another database for archival. This filter can be saved and doesn't require tweaking everytime you want to run it.
While I do this also, one thing I have found useful is to turn on the instant notifications so that you receive notifications on all archived caches withing 50 miles of your home area, once received click on the link to open the page and click on the links to download a GPX file for that cache (only four mouse clicks per cache). One thing to watch when using the "Not During" filter with GSAK is if your latest GPX file was generated after midnight GMT the cache will have tomorrows date in it, and the 'Not During' filter will include those new caches in its results.
There already is a "Recommended At Night" attribute.
The debate about what is being called a bonus cache is going on now. Personally I don't see the need for these bonus caches when the same thing is accomplished by creating an unknown cache and putting the coords in the cache container of the first cache.
What you just described already exists, its called a multi.
Also, caches that have changed significantly enough that logging a second find would be justified should instead be archived and a new listing made for the obviously new cache. There is very little reason, if any, to recycle cache numbers.
I agree with this, personally I think that you should not be allowed to log a second find on a cache, and that TPTB should automatically convert all second and subsequent finds by the same person on the same cache to notes.
Puzzle caches have a requirement before the signing of the log. You do things in order to find the cache. It's the same with many variants. These things are finding requirements. Things you have to do (or is designed for you to do) in order for you to find the cache.
To throw a little more fuel on the fire, the guidlines for Mystery or Puzzle Caches state:
this form of cache often involves complicated puzzles that you will first need to solve in order to determine the coordinates.Since the coordinates of a traditional cache with additional requirements are already known, they don't really fit the puzzle cache definition.
I noticed a small issue with a notification email I received today.
The cache was 15.6 miles north of my home coordinates, in fact it was almost directly north, the longitude was different by only 0.033 of a minute.
Now in the instant notification email it showed the distance but did not have the 'N' for direction, as you can see below.
This is an automated message from GeocachingLocation: California, United States
15.6mi (25.1km )
TeamAlamo enabled Iron Horse This (Traditional Cache) at 5/5/2006
Now I know that on a scale of 1 to 10 where ten is the most severe of problems, this is about a 1.5, but I though that someone would want to know.
The guidlines say:
just an object or codeword for verification, and no logbook, generally, does not qualify as a traditional cacheThis indicates that while an additional logging requirement (like a code word) and no log book is not allowed, it does not say anything about an additional logging requirement and a log book. The policy has always been that its up to the owner of the cache to police the logs. If the owner of a cache wants to allow ppl to log a cache more than once, they can do that too. I know of at least one cacher who found the same LC cache 198 times, and while I though it was wrong, it was ok with the owner and therefore ok with TPTB.
If I find the cache and sign the log, I'm done. Everything beyond that is optional.
I doubt owners of caches with extra logging requirements get upset at the folks who find the cache, sign the log, and never log their finds online NOT doing the extra stuff. Heck, the finder found it. To the finder it's a find and recorded by whatever means they choose (sign log, log online, hand scribbled notes in their own notebook, only kept in their head, whatever).
Fun, optional, extra logging activites should be just that, optional.
From what I have seen, the owners won't get upset. But some will delete your log entry.
And if your PDA is a Palm you can use CacheMate. Its shareware but only 8$, and in terms of caching, it changed my life.
Maybe the attribute can use an 'Information' icon (triangle with an 'i' inside of it), meaning there is additional information in the description that you need in order to log the cache.
If you notice the right above the map and click it.. it will make the map taller.
Missed that. Better. But what if I need to expand it East/West without losing resolution?
It looks like the width is variable, it expands to fit the size of your browser window.
On playing with the 'Searching with GoogleMaps' window I find it very useful, in my mind this can make the bookmarks useful in that I can scan around and quickly add caches to the list. The only thing I would like to ask for is visible indicator if a cache had been found or not. Even better would be a setting to not show found caches.
One thing I did notice, you click on the map to open up the 'Google Map Search' window, it lists the caches shown on the page in the right column. I click on the 'Add/Remove Bookmark Item' icon next to a cache name and I get a javascript error and nothing else happens. (I am using IE 6.0)
I just tried to reproduce this and it worked fine this time, I will try to figure out what combination of things I need to reproduce it.
I like it. I think its an improvement over the old map. I think it should start zoomed out a step but since you can do that yourself its not a problem.
One thing I did notice, you click on the map to open up the 'Google Map Search' window, it lists the caches shown on the page in the right column. I click on the 'Add/Remove Bookmark Item' icon next to a cache name and I get a javascript error and nothing else happens. (I am using IE 6.0)
If you went the attributes route, wouldn't you need to refine the way that pocket queries handle attributes? Or was this already fixed? I would want to run a pocket query that returned all traditional caches in the defined area, BUT which excluded those that had this attribute. The last I checked, you could either search for just those caches that did have an attribute (like "fee required") or which had the negative version of the attribute ("no dogs allowed"), ,,,
Click on it once, its required, click a second time, its excluded, click a third time its back to default.
Thanks, Jester. It worked perfectly. When you preview it does, it doesn't count towards one of your runs, correct?
No, you can preview as often as you like and it does not count towards your limit.
I had three scheduled to run today, the PQ control page said that all three ran but I only received two. I copied the one that I did not receive (nice new feature) and ran it, the copy arrived with out problems.
My missing query that was run at 4:44 am according to my pocket query control panel arrived in my mail folder at 12:15 pm. So whatever blockage there was seams to have been cleaned out.
You can save some effort on steps 3 and 4 using GSAK to import the route directly when building the filter. The filter tab button will load from an MPS file containing the route created (and exported) from MapSource. Just be sure to delete any waypoints from the route first (other than the start/end/via's) or they'll be included in the route in some unpredictable fashion.
Oh that's brilliant, yes I just tested that and it works very well as long as I remember to remove all the waypoints first. GSAK never ceases to amaze me.
Modified steps:
1) I created a series of 500 cache PQ's that overlapped to cover the entire route I was taking (I ended up getting an additional premium membership for a month so I could run them all). Load all these queries into GSAK.
2) Using Garmin Mapsource City Select, I created a route from my starting point to the destination (usually where I expected to travel that day). Remove all waypoints from then save as a MPS file.
3) Use those coordinates to create a filter in GSAK, selecting all caches within 5 miles (tune distance to taste) of the line formed by those coordinates.
4) Export those caches to the PDA and GPS.
This discussion, which started out as a discussion about how to implement caches along a route as a Pocket Query type, has irreversibly devolved into a series of posts describing how to get caches along a route using circular pocket queries.
There's nothing wrong with that, but that wasn't what this discussion was supposed to be about. Because those techniques do not solve the problem that a PQ along a route addresses.
Is there any way we could have a (new, perhaps) topic to discuss generating PQs along a route? Because there still is no solution to the problems that such a PQ would address.
Fizzy I agree with you, but from what I see TPTB don't seem to be moving on this issue.
Does have the GPX file saved anywhere so that if for some reason the file is corrupted or does not arrive, the query owner could request a resend without having it effect there daily limit?
I have had corrupted zip files in the past and when it happens on a day where I have scheduled 5 queries, its incovenient.
The method I last used, and it took a bit of effort.
1) I created a series of 500 cache PQ's that overlapped to cover the entire route I was taking (I ended up getting an additional premium membership for a month so I could run them all). Load all these queries into GSAK.
2) Using Garmin Mapsource City Select, I created a route from my starting point to the destination (usually where I expected to travel that day). I then saved this as a text file.
3) Use a text editor to extract out of the saved text file the coordinates of all the waypoints that make up the route.
4) Use those coordinates to create a filter in GSAK, selecting all caches within 5 miles (tune distance to taste) of the line formed by those coordinates.
5) Export those caches to the PDA and GPS.
It was a bit involved, but if you want to cover the entire route with as many caches as your GPS/PDA can carry, this was the best solution I could come up with. And a lot easier than selecting them one at a time using Google earth and bookmarking them.
There is a local cacher who drops different color tokens in local caches. He has a series of caches where you have to have a certain combination of tokens before you are allowed to find it. If you don't post a digital pic of your tokens showing the tokens unique serial numbers your found log will be deleted. In this case its very clear in the description and it does not bother me (since I already had the tokens). But it would be nice to know before hand that there are additional steps I need to do before I can log my find.
Note: I talked to the owner and reviewer of these caches at an event and the rules of geocaching were actually modified to allow this.
Today one of my regular PQ's ran but I did not revive it. So I decided to use the new copy PQ feature to create copy to run once and delete. I noticed that the copy retained dates to run and how often your query should run values from the original PQ and it ran before I had a chance to change them.
I would suggest that when you click the copy icon it should either
1) Take you to a 'New Pocket Query' page where all the old values are the defaults for the new query (my preference).
2) Clear the days of the week that the query should run.
I apologize if this has already been discussed, I tried to look for the previous thread discussing this feature but did not see it.
I had three scheduled to run today, the PQ control page said that all three ran but I only received two. I copied the one that I did not receive (nice new feature) and ran it, the copy arrived with out problems.
Maybe a need to bring a pen attribute would be more helpful.
Anything big enough to hold a pen would probably be defined as small rather than micro.
Like all caches they have thier place and in certain areas could and maybe should be used to replace virtuals caches.
Originally virtuals were placed in locations where you could not leave anything, like National parks. I don't think they would like nano's being left there either. I was very sad when I learned that there would be no more virtuals approved.
Yup. And if "Updated in the Last 7 Days" included 'became Archived' then there would be a less demanding option. (Thanks to CR for teaching me that trick!)
The Blue Quasar
My great wish is for a 'Modified in the last 7 days" PQ setting that would include caches where the owner has updated them, or any status change (anything that would cause a notification to be sent out). But not include an ordinary note being attached like updated in the last 7 days does now.
I understand the desire by for cachers not to go try to find the archived caches and I don't want to, I just want to know that something that I recently received in a PQ is no longer available. I would have no problem if the coordinates were rounded off, the descriptions truncated and the URL removed from the GPX file.
A Couple Of Suggestions About Dnfs
in Website
I don't really see much value in a count of DNF logs as there are those who would not log there DNF's to increase there batting average. Also I would not support a change of the icon since the frowny icon accurately reflects how I feel after I fail to find a cache.
However I would like to see on the cache list pages an indicator on the line of the cache showing that you did not find it similar to the red check mark and gray line that is done for found caches. I would also like these indicators for finds and DNF's repeated in the header of the cache page itself.