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Everything posted by zafwon

  1. Just your basics for me, but the last few outings I've been assaulted by bugs. Hundreds of baby ticks one time and then chiggers during an orienteering outing. I was all bug sprayed up, but they still got me. Still nursing my wounds from the last one. Doctor said he had never seen chiggers that bad before. I probably have 50 bites between my knee and ankles. It's not fun, but hey its worth it! I'm going out this weekend!
  2. I have an eTrex Vista Cx and use OS X. Here is how I paperless cache. I use MacCaching (from maccaching.com), National Geographic TOPO (hard copy maps), my BlackBerry 8700 (or iPod) with sync software. Everything seems to play nice. Did a quick how-to here:
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