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Everything posted by SeattleWayne

  1. Did you get the Blue Switch geocache souvenir? If you found a cache on May 2nd, you'd of gotten that one.
  2. I'm just in it for the numbers. I don't really care what kind of cache it is. After all, the point of the game is to find geocaches.
  3. I'm not seeing that many preforms. I think that's because pill bottles are more accessible and much cheaper--mostly free. In Europe it's completely opposite. We see a lot of preforms, but almost no pill bottles. Not surprised Europe isn't littered with empty pill bottles turned geocache. America is the leading country hooked on pain pills so it's no surprise how many pill bottles are used as geocaches.
  4. Power Trails are the best. I've been working on all the ones in my area on foot. Washington State has some very nice walking trails in vastly wooded areas. No highway/guard rail PTs out here.
  5. That was the tipping point. The game became all about numbers when that PT was sanctioned. It irks me. The game became numbers for some. Not all. That PT looks awesome.
  6. It still is a game of getting outdoors unless you're trying to find caches in your kitchen. Or drive and stop every 528 feet for a pill bottle on a guardrail. Gotta love those PT's, one can really rack up on the numbers quickley. Whoever drives to find a cache every 528 feet is doing it wrong. I've never been on a busy highway caching every 528 feet. I've never driven to caches that have been placed every 528 feet. The PT I hit are on lengthy trails that some times go deep into forest areas or along large bodies of water. And I'm out there all day walking and I find maybe 20-25 in 6 hours. These scenic trails can be found all over Washington and Oregon.
  7. It still is a game of getting outdoors unless you're trying to find caches in your kitchen.
  8. I don't think the game is stagnating at all. What makes you say that? Since I've been involved in this game (which hasn't been very long) I've noticed a lot more less creative caches in a lot of less creative hiding spots. There are a few Geocachers in my area that come up with some very creative caches and hide them very well but that is far and few between. Honestly, I love those types of caches, and when I can't find them I reach out to other cachers to see if I can get hints, etc and go back to get them. But I'm all about the numbers. I love power trails and long stretches of caches to find just to boost my numbers. And my average D/T shows that. In the end it's just a game of people running around dropping garbage into the woods and another group of people running around finding said garbage and picking out little pieces of garbage to take home (in the American language these are called "knick knacks"), and then another group of people setting up events called CITOs to clean up the environment and claiming other people are so messy and damaging the environment with all the garbage they throw on the ground.
  9. We could just raise taxes to pay for their incarceration and treatment. I'm more than certain that'll help the problem. Oh wait.
  10. A bit on the late side, I suspect. They've given us at least six weeks notice on most of the upcoming ones, though I wish there really was one for the first of next month since it falls nicely on a Saturday. You need six weeks minimum to plan to get a souvenir from geocaching?
  11. Sooo...there's going to be a new souvenir this month or no..?
  12. How big is the ammo can? If it's a pretty good sized ammo can that would be cool to use it as a cache and put some really swell swag in it and put it in a really cool hiding spot.
  13. One way to weed out people who don't want to play by the rules is ensure you're auditing your logs in the caches you place. Maintain them so you can read every name signed and if there are discrepancies then contact the person via email who claims to have made the find and let them know the log needs to be signed in order to log the find and then delete their log. Simple. We don't need an "Advanced" game for those who play by the rules, etc. Because you'll just run into the same problems within THAT group. It's up to the CO's within the Geocaching community to step up their game and keep the caches maintained so the problem children get bored and move on.
  14. I need to meet this RetiredProf fella. I like those power trails.
  15. I hear it'll be a joyous occasion.
  16. Doesn't mean it has to be archived.
  17. Who's saying they need to be archived just because they only get a couple visits a year?
  18. LOGIC ! yep, i usually won't take the kids with me to areas that might have tent cities or tons of blue cans (creek donkeys/rednecks/similar) littering the ground. it's a lot nicer out and away from the easily accesible places, fewer micros, and fewer 'every 500 feet' placements. Hopefully homeless camps never get set up on power trails. I wouldn't like that at all.
  19. I've only met one Geocacher, and we didn't talk about politics.
  20. I bought a bundle of pens for caching and leave them in my car. I also have two pens in my backpack when I go on long hikes. I also intend on leaving the house with a pen in hand. Yesterday I went caching and after returning to my car for a water break I somehow left my pen somewhere and could not find it. I didn't realize this until after I left and went back out caching. Luckily I had my two backups in my backpack.
  21. Maybe they'll announce a souvenir for Presidents Day 2018 soon...
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