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Everything posted by RuideAlmeida

  1. Evento no Paraná http://coord.info/GCAYJPK Meet & Greet at "Eu amo Foz do Iguaçu" BCs!
  2. Tradicional em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAYGA6 Ideia Azul BCs!
  3. Evento no Rio Grande do Sul http://coord.info/GCAYGFP 7º Encontro Cachístico Papo-furadístico do RS BCs!
  4. Mystery e Tradicional no Ceará http://coord.info/GCAYETW O Tesouro Esquecido dos Piratas de Pacajus Minas Gerais http://coord.info/GCAYEA6 Placa Ruínas da Cadeia BCs!
  5. Eventos e Tradicional em Minas Gerais http://coord.info/GCAY74G Estrada Real 1 Roraima http://coord.info/GCAYAC6 Meet&Greet at the top of Roraima São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAYBJX Event at the very last Project A.P.E. Cache BCs!
  6. Easy... simply use the coords outside your lodge or on the reception area, by instance.
  7. Would be much better to have a rent-a-car of your own, but Uber will do the trick also. It's better to stay on Intervales lodges... considering the entrance and exit hours on the park and the time for any voyage from and to Capão Bonito or Ribeirão Grande (around 20kms on dirt roads) you would limit a lot the available time to search for the caches. Even if you use both days of the weekend, it is not easy to find all the GeoTour caches, but don't forget to submit an Event and a CITO. Drop a line here and hopefully you can find any hitchhike from the paulista community.
  8. Multi e Tradicional no Rio de Janeiro http://coord.info/GCAY0CK Paraíso dos Teatros São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAY26G Rua Secreta BCs!
  9. Eventos e Tradicional em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAXQAD CDXLV http://coord.info/GCAXYPA Un p'tit CITO http://coord.info/GCAY433 Dia do Cartão Postal BCs!
  10. Eventos em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAY1PP CIV Geomeeting mensal cachístico-gastronomico http://coord.info/GCAY34W Dia Mundial do Cartão Postal BCs!
  11. You should make a Drop and Retrieve (or a Visit) on the nearest cache from your origin...
  12. Eventos e Tradicionais no Amazonas http://coord.info/GCAXWJ8 Liberdade?! Minas Gerais http://coord.info/GCAXWFF Velha Árvore São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAXZJF CITO 2 no Bosque http://coord.info/GCAXYP3 Direction APE BCs!
  13. Tradicional em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAWNZ4 Cristo Redentor BCs!
  14. That's an owner's decision... but usually no, you won't.
  15. Si! Aquí en Brasil, es común ver nuevos cachés colocados por profesores del área de Ciencias de la Tierra, para sus alumnos. PS: También en Portugal...
  16. Ja, precis!
  17. Eventos em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAXDTF APE Sundowner http://coord.info/GCATNBQ Meet the Frenchies @ APE (CCE 2025) BCs!
  18. Tradicional no Paraná http://coord.info/GCAX4P8 UK #3 Pitlochry BCs!
  19. Não é mau... Dá uma olhada aqui... é em Odivelas e costumam até ter modelos usados.
  20. Evento no Paraná http://coord.info/GCAX4XC Brazilian Wonder BCs!
  21. You can give it in Adoption, for sure... or wait for some help from others, like you asked on the cache listing.
  22. Here... under "About this App" states that requires Android 8.0 and up. Here... under "Information" you can see that requires iOS 15.0 for iPhone and iPadOS 15.0 for iPad. Is it enough?
  23. Precisely! Instead of complaining about the caches other people hide, without ever hide a single one for the community to enjoy.
  24. Tradicional em São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAWR0T Bee Careful BCs!
  25. CITO, Evento e Tradicional em Minas Gerais http://coord.info/GCAWK7J Trrrim-trrrim São Paulo http://coord.info/GCAWWCC Clean the APE's Home! http://coord.info/GCAWXD3 CIII para quem não entendeu 103 BCs!
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