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Everything posted by RuideAlmeida

  1. You can enter those coords in Google Earth or so...
  2. It would be neat if we have our finds and finds in our caches beside the nick, in the logs. For example: Kelux (754/1600)
  3. I hate to see caches placed in public art, not one or two meters away, but sometimes even inside sculptures and other kind of art pieces... simply hate it. I would agree with a rule that forces a cache to be at some distance from the refered object. My lips are sealed for any "event-cache subject"
  4. Great!! Its preety informative... do you consider a Infographics career?
  5. We also have one near Lisbon, in Portugal. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...47-6a7beb91b5cd
  6. Kind a subjective, no? Let me assure you that was not my intention...
  7. Hi, Sbell111... could you please remember me, where I did such thing? I just throw a question to the forum (a place of free speach) for everyone to say of hes own. Nothing more than that. Merry Xmas, Merry Christmas, Feliz Natal!!!
  8. Now, after all the fuzz, most of the noise and some of the prejudice has gone; I want to thank you all for your valuable opinions. This non-Event will be held December 13th in three portuguese major cities, Oporto, Lisbon and Faro. We will gather around huge Christmas trees, every geocacher (or muggle invited) will bring a gift for a children. After the meeting we will take all the gifts to a child care institution... one in each city. This non-Event will be published only in our portuguese forum at http://forum.geocaching-pt.net/viewtopic.php?t=3536. Naturally we would have much more people if this was a real Event, published on GC.com... but, even so, we will do our best!!! We invite everyone around to organize such non-Events worldwide.... Like the great philosopher Fox Mulder said: I WANT TO BELIEVE!! PS: Please forgive my rough english!
  9. Lots of bad assumptions flying around here. Undoubtly!
  10. Excellent point! I forgot to perform due diligence on the original poster before I sent my reply to their somewhat incoherent initial post, and thus I was not aware that the poster may well be a troll! Thanks for your research work! Troll alert! Digging further would reveal a very active non-native-English speaking cacher. No... not realy... Almeidara is also a fine portuguese geocacher, please dont jump into conclusions and leave him alone. For some reason, our login in the forum area doesnt recognize the original profile... this one: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/default....36-cb8fee89fbaa
  11. Okay... some good opinions... tough all in the same direction. What's about evolution, instead of unanimism? If you think we have a perfect game thats fine... I think everything can always be better. Thank you all very much for your feedback... its solely what I wanted... to measure the trends.
  12. Social consciousness is consciousness shared within a society. It can also be defined as social awareness; to be aware of the problems that different societies and communities face on a day-to-day basis; to be conscious of the difficulties and hardships of society. Im a world in change, our community needs to assume is role on social awareness. Is there any valuable reason to justify the prohibition to publish any social cache event nowadays, for instance?? We could make the difference next Xmas, for those millions that are in pain, in debt, suffering because of some few incompetents in higher (and even higher remunerations) places. Lets make this kind of cache possible, please!!!
  13. Finally I received a reply from Team SAM "Thanks! I look forward to seeing Spinner rolling around Europe! I appreciate your interest in moving these items around the planet. Thanks again, Team SAM" Well, since the auctioner promise me to drop all the trackables in a cache near him... Jeff will look forward to see they travel thru America.
  14. Hourrah!!!! The auction owner sent me this email... :"Dear ruidealmeida1962, Hay if it is ok with you lets just forget about the auction. I have had alot of e-mails about it sence I put it on. I will just stick tem in a cach next time I am out and about. I will leave you some good feedback if yoiu will do the same? - blessingspoint " I hope he stick to the promise!
  15. Anybody knows Team SAM? They are the owners of one of the auction TB's...
  16. Im bidding... if I win, I will contact the owners... and according that, put those trackables on the road... on several good caches around. I SWEAR
  17. Sê bem-vindo... Mas olha, apresenta-te também em www.geocaching-pt.net Verás que lá terás bastantes mais respostas
  18. The portuguese geocaching community wants to invite every geocacher to visit Portugal on September 6th and enjoy our Geocaching Barbecue 2008. We hope that we can gather more than 500 people ant so apply for a Mega Event... with your help! Be so very welcome to Portugal http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...f4-e7af2414a0f8
  19. La comunidad portuguesa de geocaching invita todos vosotros a venir el 6 de Setiembre para el Barbacoa Geocaching 2008. Con la ayuda de todos quizas puede ser un gran Mega Evento en la península. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...f4-e7af2414a0f8
  20. The portuguese geocaching community wants to invite every geocacher to visit Portugal on September 6th and enjoy our Geocaching Barbecue 2008. We hope that we can gather more than 500 people ant so apply for a Mega Event... with your help! Be so very welcome to Portugal http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...f4-e7af2414a0f8
  21. Maybe we can suggest Groundspeak to apply one more log type... such as "behaviour report", that could be used by listing owners.
  22. Portugal is waiting for your gorgeous coin... to travel and be cherish
  23. Mais... ce nest pas vrai que Noel est chaque fois, un homme le veut? Prochain aout, il-y-aura un geo-evénement à Gerês... pour le weekend de 16/18... vous etes bienvenue!
  24. A associação é disso? Algo que pretende ser aquilo que (ainda) não é.... Aiiii o menino!!! Vá lá também fazer os logs atrasados!!!
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