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Everything posted by RuideAlmeida
Priceless!! Best wishes, Jenn!
Toda essa informação pode ser obtida em ou em; de qualquer modo, é importante que escolha um local que possa suscitar o interesse e o agrado de outros colegas geocachers, depois procurar por um bom esconderijo e escolher o contentor mais apropriado (ou fabricá-lo você mesmo), que deverá ser hermético e preparado para suportar todo o tipo de condições climatéricas esperadas ao longo de um ano. Nesse contentor deverá colocar uma stash-note (nota de apresentação e explicação do jogo em português e inglês, para quem ainda não está familiarizado), um logbook (um bloco-de-notas para registar os founds), material de escrita e algumas prendas para troca. Após a colocação da cache no terreno, deverá aguardar uns dias (ou semanas) para avaliar da sua integridade e durabilidade... depois deverá editar a página da cache em and seek a cache. A página da cache deverá ser o mais elucidativa e atraente possível, no sentido de gerar um bom fluxo de visitas à cache.
Devolvo essa pergunta no que se refere ao fórum do GCTuga... neste momento parece mais um condado de uns quantos Afonsinhos do que outra coisa qualquer. Pelo menos aqui, usam de algum pudor.
É sempre um prazer ler notícias vossas Gabby! Como vão as coisas por aí... para além dos FTF ensonsos?
Eventualmente se as guidelines obrigassem a que se enviasse para o aprovador fotos do local, do esconderijo e do contentor, por cada nova cache submetida... talvez aí o aprovador as vetasse logo à partida.
Agree (just saying!) PS: But you have to be Premium Member
Here in Portugal we have a series called Lusitani. The country is divided in 30 different administrative regions... so we hided a cache on each one of them... and in each cache one can get a code. Having all 30 codes, you can search for the final Lusitani cache. (Lusitani came from the roman name of Portugal - Lusitania)
You Might be a geocacher... If in every interesting place you pass by, you think "Humm... a good place for our next one!!"
I think that bookmarks are only useful if we can shared them... so they should be widely shared. More than one times I wish to have such bookmarks from geocachers that I admire... to learn with.
I (we) appreciate your kind reception... nevertheless we've been around since May of 2007... 876 caches found and 27 hidings. Our profile:
Thats why I prefer the Golden Globe Awards
Everyone of us will "profit" if we have some kind of recognition of those good hiders, quality hiders... Maybe one day we could have a game without LPC every 160m... maybe one day we know where all the lame caches are, without having to bump with one of those. All of our 27 caches are carefully prepared... thats the only way we know, respecting the game... not just throwing film canisters (as a matter of fact, we only use them as stages of multis).
Although, if everybody would have that kind of self-judgement when thinking of hiding a cache... this topic would not be necessary Welcome to the game!!
I surely know what you mean
Welcome!! Have you ever come to the south?
You are right, but they are too many... it is humanly impossible to read (properly) all the logs posted every day here in Portugal... I cant imagine in other huge geocaching areas, such as Germany or USA. I figure that a rating-Amazon-like-system would help us filter the truly good from the very bad. ______________________________ Our daily best was 44 founds and 3 DNF's in a fantastic adventure with six more geocachers that we called "86400 seconds tour"(yes, 24 hours non-stop-caching... what a dream)... all carefully choosed in an itinerary that covered around 300km. I think that everybody should try PS: Last but not the least... it was my birthday, last September
What is the true meaning of an FTF? What makes you running for another... or not? Which was your best one? Tell us your thoughts and thrills...
Please let me correct myself... obviously my intention was to say encourage instead of compelling. So sorry for any missunderstandings
Yeah, so do I... were just exchanging thoughts.
How many of you male geocachers were in Scouting?
RuideAlmeida replied to The Infielders's topic in General geocaching topics
Count me in! From 12 to 20. Falcon (or Hawk) Patrol Gil Vicente (a great medieval dramaturgist) Team Akhela replacement -
Thats a good improvement!!
In fact is the opposite, nobody has ever found every local caches (around 4000)... and crossing the border would only show an almost desertic geocaching territory (in a territory five times bigger, they have less caches). But what I want is quality, not quantity... therefore the rating system.