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Everything posted by globaltreckers

  1. Please fix Google Earth/ geocaching interface Reason 1) BLM map overlay on GC forbidden zones. Yes, there are other work arounds but come on, lets keep it simple.
  2. Might want to double check your found logs along the BCM as some geocache owners have been deleting logs due to ALR's.
  3. cool
  4. We live in Deschutes county, 30minutes North of Bend. If anyone has any questions please feel free to call or text 541-450-9776. Looking forward to having all the cache machine participants in our neck of the woods.
  5. A ladder or some other tool is needed for this quest. A flashlight doesn't count. Can anyone think of an underground cache that would require a tool, not flashlight? I'll be driving from Central Oregon to meet up with quadsinthemudd near Seattle.
  6. We appreciate the interest in our coin! We have had a history of our coins tracking numbers ending up online and people discovering them. Thanks for editing your post and removing the tracking number. A little history on the coin. We made geocoins up as a wedding favor. Designed the coin to show our interests that both of us had and/or shared. We also designed it to show us uniting in marriage July 10th, 2010. We keep track of coin numbers that close friends or family have, including this one in this discussion. If you are interested in a more detailed history on these coins, feel free to email us! Cheers & happy caching.
  7. Through a raffle we received one of these beautiful 2009 gold relief geocoins. Together with the velvet case it is by far our coolest coin.
  8. Yes, you should get one. A contour is a close match, but that GoPro has wonderful settings that can be adjusted in the field.
  9. Does anyone have a pocket query made of only the cache machine caches? Thanks, John
  10. My thoughts exactly. The E.T HWY was an amazing adventure, just as life is! Live and cache responsibly... On a lighter note, on topic.... This new movie wouln't have ment a thing with out the E.T HWY run experience... Live long and prosper/cache
  11. What? Geocaches anywhere on Earth are to be archived then be removed by the owner! Did I hear that right? -Would like to have been notified... -Saw it coming... -Copy and paste cachers... Well the rest of the galaxy is open, it is just one planet!
  12. You can still find them, and log them. They are all still there, as of now...
  13. Every trail http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?tr...0b9b031396a1021
  14. video of the after cache machine dinner. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> Every trail <a href="http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=828162">MLCM at EveryTrail</a><br><iframe src="http://www.everytrail.com/iframe2.php?trip_id=828162&width=400&height=300" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="400" height="300"></iframe>EveryTrail - Find the <a href="http://www.everytrail.com/best/hiking-california">best hikes in California</a> and beyond
  15. We have the same problem... Does anyone know of an app for a blackberry that is like (reference to unauthorized application removed by Groundspeak) or will geocaching.com make an app for the blackberry us cellular phone? Thanks, globaltreckers
  16. Do you travel to the Tri-Cities area? I'll be happy to take quite a few off your hands and I can easily pass the word around and get a few others to buy some too.
  17. We just dowloaded NWTrails and opened up Mapsource. In mapsource we can scroll and click on NW Trails and see the trails. We can't figure out how to add the maps to our garmin colorado 400t. Can you or someone help us (we've never loaded any maps before). If we get all the trails, that's fine, but the main goal is WA and OR. We appriciate all help. Thanks. Globaltreckers
  18. where would this unit be shipping from and how would you plan to ship it (FEDEX, UPS?). Any other info you want to include?
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