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woof n lulu

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Posts posted by woof n lulu

  1. You come to the realization that life has a limited timespan, and for however long or short yours is, its just not worth it to be made unhappy by a few individuals that are miserable and make others feel that way. Take a few steps back from the situation and evaluate YOUR wants and needs, and do not let others influence you negatively.

  2. Ditto the first two responses. Virtual owners that have a stick up their...well, those that say you must email the answers and wait for a response before logging the find are just power-hungry dweebs (I have a much stonger word to describe them, but this is supposed to be a family-friendly forum).


    There's nothing wrong with posting a find within a few minutes (or seconds) of sending the email. If it's wrong, the owner and seeker should discuss it through email. If it turns out the the seeker was in error, the find can be changed to a note or deleted.


    If it's wrong, the owner and seeker should discuss it through email.


    Its wrong if the owner specifically asks that certain criteria is met BEFORE posting the find.


    Virtual owners that have a stick up their...well, those that say you must email the answers and wait for a response before logging the find are just power-hungry dweebs (I have a much stonger word to describe them, but this is supposed to be a family-friendly forum).


    Im am glad your true feeling about virtuals is finally coming out Saxman.....after all these months of your proclaiming elsewise. Its nice to know I have a stick up my....... and that I am a power hungry dweeb.....imagine that at my age!


    If I go through all the time and effort to set up a virtual, then I get to set the perameters to claim the find, and believe me some of them take much more work then traditional caches.


    You want to bash virtuals? that is fine

    You want to baSh virtual owners as a whole....you are overstepping the line, and you are wrong.



    even if they have not waited for my answer.....I just grit my teeth and get on with my life

    I think you missed the point, Lulu.


    I found 49 caches on my trip. I want to log them all in one sitting. Should I have to stop after #17 and wait a week for a virt owner to say I found the right information, even though it was the only plaque within 5 miles?


    Sorry, I log my caches in order. If I have a wrong answer, it can be worked out later. Does it really hurt the virtual owner to have an extra log on their cache? No. That's the same as "Wait until I verify your signature in the logbook before claiming a find". It's only power-tripping by the cache owner. If the signature isn't there in their next maintenance visit, the log can be changed to a note or deleted. There's no harm in letting it remain logged until the answer is verified.

    I did not miss any point Saxman.


    We have a difference of opinion.


    I am of the opinion that if the cache owner specifically asks that the finder wait for confirmation, that is what I do.

    This means I put their wants before my own, because I chose to go out to find their virtual, they did not ask me, and I appreciate their efforts and work.

    If I can't comply with their wishes, I simply don't go. I am not that desparite for a smiley.

  3. I use the same method as Sawdust92 . Unless the owner has left specific instructions to email first then log.


    Anyone who does that is normally the kind of person who will email back.

    Exactly RK....I would think that if you go through the trouble of asking for the email first, its understood that the owner would take the time and responsibility to answer.

  4. Ditto the first two responses. Virtual owners that have a stick up their...well, those that say you must email the answers and wait for a response before logging the find are just power-hungry dweebs (I have a much stonger word to describe them, but this is supposed to be a family-friendly forum).


    There's nothing wrong with posting a find within a few minutes (or seconds) of sending the email. If it's wrong, the owner and seeker should discuss it through email. If it turns out the the seeker was in error, the find can be changed to a note or deleted.


    If it's wrong, the owner and seeker should discuss it through email.


    Its wrong if the owner specifically asks that certain criteria is met BEFORE posting the find.


    Virtual owners that have a stick up their...well, those that say you must email the answers and wait for a response before logging the find are just power-hungry dweebs (I have a much stonger word to describe them, but this is supposed to be a family-friendly forum).


    Im am glad your true feeling about virtuals is finally coming out Saxman.....after all these months of your proclaiming elsewise. Its nice to know I have a stick up my....... and that I am a power hungry dweeb.....imagine that at my age!


    If I go through all the time and effort to set up a virtual, then I get to set the perameters to claim the find, and believe me some of them take much more work then traditional caches.


    You want to bash virtuals? that is fine

    You want to baSh virtual owners as a whole....you are overstepping the line, and you are wrong.



    even if they have not waited for my answer.....I just grit my teeth and get on with my life

  5. I think you should log it.....its not like you were there when he rehid it, and it has moved. Even though its your cache, you have a unique situation here, and I think it is more then fair you get to claim the find.


    I usually run maintenance on my caches once every six weeks or so....some are 80 miles away, but in the desert that distance means nothing.

    If I logged a find everytime I did maintenance I would have lots of smileys by now, but would feel like everyone would know just how foolish that act is.

    If people dont care they look like fools, then let them.

  6. After looking at your link, it became apparent that the tires, and the little person in the car can be bought at any good craft store (Hobby Lobby, Michaels) in multiple quantity bags at a reasonable price. That would only leave the car body and the axles to worry about, and if you bought one from the link for a pattern you would have it made in no time.

  7. Its nice to know that there are others who have "parts" that don't get along :ph34r:

    Woof n lulu, you have 58 finds and 3,232 posts! wow! I think your talking part is dominating your finding part :unsure: .


    Opps! Looks like Briansnat's got you beat. 8,958 posts.

    You Sir are correct! I also live in a state that only has 750 caches for the whole state...10 of which I supply! And it is a very large state :blink:

  8. Oh, it sounds to me like you're well prepared to hide one.


    The broader question is obviously subjective, but I've decided that most of my new will be worn off when I hit 100 (which should be about a month from now). There's a part of me that wants to quit when I hit 99.


    But it is a small part of me, and much picked upon by all the other parts of me :unsure:

    Its nice to know that there are others who have "parts" that don't get along :ph34r:

  9. Dang it...


    Just testing the "printer friendly" version and now my printer is spewing out more than 1,000 pages of Abject Silliness. I will have to recycle all this.


    Imagine the satisfaction I will have when using a page full of Team GPSaxophone posts as emergency toilet paper.

    Be sure to crumple paper and rub to soften first B)

    Those paper cuts can hurt B)

  10. I ask what I believe to be a reasonable question and you reply with the smart mouth put down


    “If you read a couple of more sentences you wouldn't be confused.”


    Then you come back again with “Did you have a commercial cache denied recently? If not, why so much anger?”


    Are you oblivious to your provocations?

    Excuse me, but nowhere in stunod's posts did I see any "smart mouth putdowns" or "provocative" behaviour!


    You do not have many posts in the forums, so I would wonder if and when you have had any previous clashes with stunod, just by your reaction, to make the kind of assumptions about his posts that you did.

  11. This is a great idea. Maybe we could talk ElDiablo into making it a feature of Today's Cacher. 


    It could easily be a global registar.

    :D  :D

    I can be interested in the idea...for beer!


    El Diablo

    Will print/edit for beer...... :P:D:D


    Interesting idea though!

  12. I miss Rubbertoe, GeorgeandMary, Seneca, Oregone, UMC, Markwell, and a bunch of others since I am sure I am leaving people out!


    I will note that Dinoprophet and Webling have posted recently I think or they would be on the list too!


    Again, I am sure I am missing people! :)


    Edit: And Mountain Mudbug and Mr. Snazz. I miss them too! ACK! I just know that I am missing people, which causes me angst! :)


    Another Edit: Acceptable Risk.


    Yet another edit (can't believe I forgot this one): Bons! I miss Bons!

    Sparky was asking what happened to Bons...does anyone know?

    He went to Saxmans Event, and then nothing....

  13. And Rubbertoe.

    Rubbertoe has shown up a few times lately.

    Doc Dean and Seneca seem to have gone missing.

    Doc Dean is still active in the geocaching community. He is the editor of the heath section for Today's Cacher


    El Diablo

    I have enjoyed his health column, I meant he hasn't posted in here like he used to.


    Carleen, UMC was in Clayjars tonight, and I have seen him online more in the last couple weeks.

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