When we started goecaching, we encountered two knives within the first six caches. As they were hidden if fairly accessible (to children) places we traded for them.
Common sense has a lot to do with this subject, but seeing as not everyone has it, better to stick to rules then have someone hurt.
I for one would not like to find out that a child had come across a cache at which I had left a knife and did damage to themselves.
I believe the parents should be the ones to supply the knife and supervision of the learning of safety. Given that, I would think that if you were bent on placing knives it should be in the higher difficulty caches where children are not likely to stumble on them.
All was not lost tho, because my husband can always use knives in the oil field, and the 1 inch blade one he has, he uses to clean his finger nails (he likes to live dangerously !)
Anyway I can understand the reason the rule was put in place...it would be way to sad if GC was hit by a law suit, or had to start providing themselves insurance against claims.This would be costly, either in having to purchase coverage, or the possibility of the end of sites such as this.
On second thought if my husband wanted to live dangerously, HE could give ME the knives.
( laughing evily )