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woof n lulu

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Posts posted by woof n lulu

  1. Hydee leaps out of your monitor screen and hits you with a wooden mallet. Which isn't necessarily as bad a thing as it may sound.



    Especially if you are into that M&M umm... M&S thingy... :D

  2. It could simply be that she is very young and insecure, and that anything that takes his attention away from her is seen as a threat. Also, if she is younger, her friends opinions would still be of utmost importance to her as it effects acceptance into her peer group...in her mind. Maturity will solve some of the problems, BUT the control issue is a problem that should be resolved. Marriage is NOT 50/50...sometimes you have to give more then you get, sometimes you are in need of more, but absolute control over anothers actions is never a solution...just the start of more problems.


    Hope you can find a resolution ! :P

  3. You guys did a mighty large job in a short while...thanks for all your hard work.

    We sure appreciate your letting us know along the way what was going on...

    Have a beer on the Cheers gang... :)


    OOOOOOOO COOL...I got 5 orange boxes and 0% warning... :D

  4. Originally posted by El Diablo:

    It only took 3 attempts this time to respond!

    Things are looking up. icon_biggrin.gif


    Maybe Jeremy should put a new server on his Xmas list.


    El Diablo


    Well this has been going on for a couple weeks for me...with all the new people signing up, its bound to have an effect on service. Maybe a more powerful one would be a nice Christmas gift icon_razz.gif


    Aging is not for wimps !

    Hey, my gray hair is just a disquise !

  5. Not just you El Diablo...I have DSL can go anywhere fast even on GC...except push button for Groundspeak Forum, and hit a brick wall.

    Has to be the *powered by*, but 5 min.+ wait to get from one page to another blows chunks...


    Aging is not for wimps !

    Hey, my gray hair is just a disquise !

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