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woof n lulu

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Everything posted by woof n lulu

  1. Carleen I am shocked !!!
  2. Someone making popcorn?
  3. Someone making popcorn?
  4. And don't forget CITO ! Don't think a park board would complain about a bunch of people taking the trash !
  5. There a several threads that are not too old over in general discussions about cache containers, and hiding them. One has pictures of the ingenious say some cachers have come up with to keep the caches from being found too easily. You might like to browse them, or do a keyword seach. I have learned more just reading threads on here, then just using the guidelines.
  6. When you go to log your find, click on download picture, and when the screen opens go to browse, and follow it to where you stored the pic on your computer.
  7. Interesting...my dot was in relatively the same position as Pope John Paul II's dot Mine is close to Ghandi....does that mean I have to shave my head?
  8. The price of gas jumped here in southern New Mexico yesterday .12 cents a gallon. Up from $1.54 to $1.66 no little jump
  9. Placed our "Leapin Lefty" cache last weekend, and submitted it for approval on the 29th. Next one will be a theme cache, just have to figure out where to place it !
  10. Should my next "thread of the week" be sock wars? That might create a stink....
  11. Only as your IQ goes up !
  12. I once had poison ivy and poison oak together ...spent the summer with pink crud all over me to stop the itch... when it dried it looked like pink lizard skin
  13. Well the theory of butter toast on a cats back to supply power to a GPS will not work I tell ya.... After Alan Greenspans announcement, too many baby boomers will be hunting them for their favorite recipes.
  14. I am 1/2 of a "Caching Couple". We need the exercise, and love the outdoor. The scenery in New Mexico is spectacular, and there is much we have not seen. I always feel better after going out, and the numbers don't matter to me. I am starting to really like the hiding aspect of this game, but the distance to hid in a worthwhile location can really be time consumming. Two of our caches are 65 miles from home (one way), one is 35, and a new one coming up is about 40, but I keep an eye on them through the logs, and about once every 4-6 weeks go out to check them. The virtual are self maintaining...all I have to do is answer the emails!
  15. Criminal you crack me up !!!
  16. I would stay away from the subject of caves and sites considered fragile for caching. These open too many cans of worms, and could be adverse to the intention of the meeting, even tho these are not urban considerations, they are too passionate a subject. Keeping it simple, as in the joy and challenge of caching, and the good feeling CITO brings. Good Luck
  17. The main thing is not to get discouraged, cachers are very ingenious when it comes to hiding caches. If you hang around the forums long enough..or for that matter look back at some of the older threads, you will see how different people hide and camoflage caches, some of the containers used, and lots of really neat ideas and even hints on what too look for. All GPS's register different, and can be off coords. The excepted rate is 30 feet radius. You do not say what kind of caches they are, wether they are micros, which can be harder to find because they are smaller and easier to miss, or traditional size. And I agree....let her handle the GPS...once you get your first find you are usually hooked...and then the realization that there are so many more hidden out there sets in.
  18. An eagle feather's got to be worth a few bucks! And I bet that if you took a genuine Native American shield on the Antiques Roadshow you could pull in a few $$$. Owning or carrying an eagle feather would cost you.... I believe its not legal to hold or carry unless you are a registered member of an Indian tribe..this would contribute to a minus value!!!
  19. Here in New Mexico, its plain mustard, and Chinary Oak that was planted here to stop soil erosion. Now we have thousands of acres of 1 ft. high oak trees that produce tiny acorns, and the mustard is so bad its choking out the chile plants that are a big money crop here. When I raised ducks, they would not even eat the stuff! Sometimes its not nice to fool with mother nature.
  20. Try shrinkydinks.com
  21. Whiskey, Criminal...drink whiskey the next few days...you will still feel like crap, but you won't care Glad you are OK...
  22. Sometimes you would think you will have to go meet the cacher, and lead them in by the hand. I would wait for awhile to see how others do, some people are just impatient and if they don't find it in 2 minutes they give up. Just my opinion...
  23. Seeing as its a leap year, and it has been a forum topic recently to put the word leap in the cache name, I wonder if it is a leap year cache
  24. Hello and welcome to Geocaching. You might try the Getting Started forum for information on these questions under Groundspeak Forums. Most of your questions can be answered there.
  25. They are plastic so they can't get water logged. And personally I would not mind recieving a gift card from Hastings, Barnes&Nobles, etc.
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