woof n lulu
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Posts posted by woof n lulu
Eye ham we Todd did.
Sofa king we Todd did.
Facts........Can you tell me why JEREMY, HYDEE, and CO admin, will not answer my pm's or emails? But I can post in the forums.........
Cuz your just not "special" enough....
We don't do the really difficult ones for various reasons, but the logs describing the hunt really help, and we rely on them.
When we first started, I used to print off the caches we wanted to do, but wised up that we were missing alot of info (i.e. cache condition, road conditions, etc) by doing it this way.
So now we have a list of cache names and GC# and I get the print off right before we go!
If anything this has also taught us to be more forthcoming in our cache logs.
Well said smurf !
In a round about way, it's a FTF for us. First in the family anyway. We are competitive about morel mushroom finds. Aren't these beautiful!? That's a quarter shining there in the middle.
(My camera takes crappy pics..sorry.)
Ooooo....fantastic!!! They look quite a bit different than the ones I used to eat in high school, though.
Yeh....... and now we know why you look the way you do
Brick mail ?
Just my 2 cents worth, but I think you have only yourself to blame for stranding those TB's. Maybe if you would think before you act, you may get further......but, then again.............probably not!!!!
But they are not stranded....he could very well send them on there way by placing them in other caches.....but I am willing to bet he will not do that. Like I said earlier......he does not give a ratz hinney about others.
Calling Dr. Freud, Dr. Phil, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Frasier Crane...
Calling Dr. Freud, Dr. Phil, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Frasier Crane...
Calling Dr. Freud, Dr. Phil, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Frasier Crane...
This one needs a professional
Ooooooooooooo thank you Smurfy
And Mopar
...save your breath Upinchit don't give a ratz hinney about anyone else, so why would he clean up his self made mess.
I live in a state of euphoria while my good friend Sparky-Watts lives in a state of denial.
is it really necessary to be constantly posting like this?
He's an egg...with any luck he won't hatch
LOL... Indiana
Just wanted to get to be the first to say it !
You're using AvantGo to load cache pages?
I think you would get a better response to your question if you go to Groundspeak forums and post in Getting Started, or Geocaching Related Topics....
Welcome to the forums, and happy caching
I guess that's just my character flaw. I'll work on it.
Your character flaw is the inability to stick to the topic
Things are progressing too fast i replied ? to the previous post... not quick enough.
Hmmm...I'm not sure this is the right kind of thread for you. Silly threads move very quickly, if you can't keep up, you should just watch
Now you diss me because I live in a small town that aint big enuff for cable or dsl and I have to put up with a dial up connection.
I see how u r.
I have dial-up at home too, so we should be friends?
Actually, I pay the phone company (USelessWest, renamed to Qwest) $30 a month for a second line (including taxes and fees). My dialup access is $12.95 a month.
Cable internet is about $45 a month, so I might as well upgrade to high speed. I'm already paying for it!
Wow Saxy....I live in a little podunk town in S.E. New Mexico and have wireless for $24.95 a month....and there you are in Albuquerque and pay that kinda money for dial up? Whhhhhhhew....
Ours is through Plateau cellular...you might check Cellular One to see if they have it up there.
Mental age is what its all about anyway !
This one ate the food:
Maybe that is why he's blue
He's ready to spew..
Silica gel (the most common) doesn't hold a lot of moisture relative to the volume it takes up, and if there is no way to "dry" it out, it's usefulness will be shortlived.
I thought those were skittles... uh-oh.
<<<<< Your avatar.....Oooowwww
I've found some of the caches in the past, but never thought about the benchmarks. I printed out a few this morning, and was sitting at the local Old Farts Club having coffee, and reading the printouts.
Guy next to me asked what I was reading and I told him. The real old timer on the other side of me started telling us about one of his first jobs, working with the 'feds' back in 1942, putting in many of the benchmarks right around my area. He then went up the road with me, and showed me where the one I had been heading for should have been! That intersection was redone a few years ago, and it was taken out. That would have been OC2681.
He was paid $50 every two weeks for the work, and went all over York County in Maine.
You never know !
What "Old Farts" club would that be?
You know !!
One of those coffee shop/bookstore/convenience store/snooker parlor places where the seems to be an abundance of old farts and BS
I know this because my husband belongs to several in our town...they make the rounds each morning at certain times...its like watching a ballet of old bulls....
Oh, yah, we forgot since we moved to a 'new' small town in AZ. (incorp. in 57), we do not have any Mom & Pop places where all of the 'old farts' just sit around & talk away the day. But, we do remember some of those places in Indiana where we hail from.
Thank you for the 'flashback'!
LOL....we moved here to NM in 75 from suburbs of Chicago...to a town of 12,000.
When we first came here I remember walking on Main St., dodging spit wads coming out the door of the local snooker parlor. Made me jump in the air more then once I can tell you...icky habit...
Still have the local newspaper and magazine shop, where you can get homemade vanilla cokes, coffee and sundries.
The tour buses from NY and NJ used to stop for the passengers to get some reading material and go to the local buffet before heading back toward civilization.
What a hoot to watch...winter pale, and with el cheapo cowboy hats.
Kinda miss those days
edited for sucky grammer
I've found some of the caches in the past, but never thought about the benchmarks. I printed out a few this morning, and was sitting at the local Old Farts Club having coffee, and reading the printouts.
Guy next to me asked what I was reading and I told him. The real old timer on the other side of me started telling us about one of his first jobs, working with the 'feds' back in 1942, putting in many of the benchmarks right around my area. He then went up the road with me, and showed me where the one I had been heading for should have been! That intersection was redone a few years ago, and it was taken out. That would have been OC2681.
He was paid $50 every two weeks for the work, and went all over York County in Maine.
You never know !
What "Old Farts" club would that be?
You know !!
One of those coffee shop/bookstore/convenience store/snooker parlor places where the seems to be an abundance of old farts and BS
I know this because my husband belongs to several in our town...they make the rounds each morning at certain times...its like watching a ballet of old bulls....
I tried to give you some civil answers Duane but you blow right over and complain and complain ad naseum....
All I have to say now and I am done is WAHHHHHHHHHH....SHEESH...
Well you still have Navicache don't you?
That should hold you over for awhile....
When one of the approvers is out of the game for awhile...vacation, personal, etc.
The rest of the approvers have to take over his/her work for them...this slows the process down, as they have personal lives to take care of also...
You have to learn to just SUCK IT UP....
Taking A Parting Shot
in General geocaching topics
I am seriously thinking we are dealing with a split personality in that thread....