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woof n lulu

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Everything posted by woof n lulu

  1. It's a buzzard (vulture)....they eat dead thingys...
  2. I always know that spring has arrived when these show up: THEY winter in South America wish I could
  3. I am working on a Chile Peppercache. Have everything together, but have to find THE place to hide it. We live in the middle of chile country, and have two chile processing plants right down the road from us. The chiles processed at these plants are used for food dyes, lipstick, etc. But still the smell of roasting chiles can drive you to overdose on chile rellanos (stuffed chile pods) for those who don't know.
  4. We have an Expedition....it holds lots
  5. Amen....I have one cache where the page clearly states....Please put the ammo can back in the upright position you found it in as this area does get rain drenched. Next time I went to check it it was on its side again.... There are reasons for cache owners making statements, not to be difficult, but to possibly make it pleasurable to all that follow.
  6. Our daughter, who is in the military told us about it. We found the site, and from then on were hooked on caching, even more so then our daughter ! The part of the US we live in does not have alot of caches, but those we have, we have to travel a distance for. So I pack a picnic lunch, ice down some soda, and off we go!
  7. I met some cachers who told me when they run into a muggle, they put their GPSs to their ears, and start talking like it was a cell phone... I have an urban micro cache that is in a very small park with alot of houses nearby, and a half basketball court, and with a jogging path through it. It worries me far more then any of my other caches, as it has lots of traffic. I have to trust that the cachers who search there will know when to walk away, rather then give it away.
  8. No insult taken ! It's just the word you used had a recent history in the forums, with a negative outcome, and that is why your thread title was censored. Not you fault, and if you are interested, you can do a search on the word.
  9. OMG Thank you, Thank you don't just clap...throw money...
  10. WOW....thats a waayyyyyy different version of spooning...
  11. The only way I have been caught is by mosquitos !
  12. I don't think it matters what our individual verdicts are, what does matter is the verdict and opinions of TPTB.
  13. Holy carp this thread has gone on longer then I thought it would.
  14. The person I quoted has a corona avatar. I didn't think it would be that hard to figure out. I thought I was being cool with the situation. I know a lot of you members like to roll with the Lynch mob, but please stay on topic. Anyway I will BRB, I am going to go move What's the Point. I hope I can find another great spot that is 528 feet away from all other caches. Cya soon......... Seeing as this is not your thread, it's hardly your position to tell anyone to stay on topic. And your answer to the lack of names on your quotes is typical...nonsense or sarcastic. It seemed as if you were offering them one of your Coronas, and seeing as the Avatar of the person was not in your quote how would we know... I am not rolling with the lynch mob...I asked a civil question. Good luck placing your cache.
  15. Go have a corona and relax dude. Why do your "quotes" never have the name of the person you are quoting? It makes it seem like you are quoting one person, when in fact you could be quoting 3-4...whatever.
  16. If it is crucial HINT, I would at least encrypt them. Some people will only use the encrypted hint only as a last resort or out of frustration. If the coordinates are off, the owner of the cache should have adjusted them on the page, and not put it as a hint.
  17. Will my cache survive the big one? Hello !!!! Will I survive the big one is an even better question.....
  18. That's just it though. You say you worked hard on getting a virtual approved in that location. Did you even attempt to place a traditional? If not, you aren't following the guidelines. The guidelines don't care if a cache is "worthy" of the location, just that a physical has precedence over a virtual. A virtual, however, must be "worthy of being in a coffee-table type book" or something. If you really want to highlight a historical marker, make it a multicache where people must visit the marker to get the cache coordinates. Did I attempt to place a physical cache?...no. Did I think about it and try to come up with a solution?...yes...for hours. Would I replace one of my virtuals with a cache if the chance should arise (i.e. additions of apperatise, shrubbery, benches, or, muggles in large numbers suddenly disappear, etc. ...yes I'm thinking TPTB have decided that some people do actually know how to judge if somethings will work, or if another avenue must be taken.
  19. As someone who has had 4 virtuals approved in the last six months, and one in the works, I don't think it is a matter of laziness. I worked darn hard on them, and made sure they would fit the guidelines. Three of the virtuals are a series, not a multiple, but all inter-related. The other is on Federal land, and is in it self a location that is unusual for the area. After all is said and done, you can't base worthiness on something you have not seen for yourself, so how can you judge if a physical could have been done there. I know alot of people have a "thing" for virtuals, but that doesn't seem to matter. The matter of the fact is that we have had over 30 finds on one of our virtuals with lots of positive feedbacks. We take the time to email everyone back in a timely manner. If laziness was involved I would not bother to even start the process.
  20. Should the physical cache force the archiving of the virtual. In a word, NO Why should the owner of the virt, who has worked just as hard to make sure the guidelines on their virt have been met and approved, be punished and have it archived.
  21. Yeah...should be Upinmyownchit
  22. I agree!!!!!!!! But not with Virtual caches. Tough suck it up...thems the rules....
  23. No...it would not stop...and if the mods did unarchive his...they would have to do it for all. It always pays to think before you act Nice hat! Thank you.
  24. No...it would not stop...and if the mods did unarchive his...they would have to do it for all. It always pays to think before you act
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