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woof n lulu

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Everything posted by woof n lulu

  1. My first witness post CV0707 Hope this works.....
  2. Rating, ranking, coding, coloring.............BORING Enjoying, friendship, participation, anticipation..........GEOCACHING
  3. We visited your Sin City Cache in Oct. of last year, and were very pleased with it. The view from the top was spectacular, the difficulty in avoiding the cameras was fun, and we had an added bonus of having a blimp fly over the roof while we where there. Don't know what this guy is complaining about, but there are enough positive logs, that it is easy to see this guy has a problem. Keep up the wonderful hide ! Thank You
  4. Simple caches near ordinary people...hmmmmm
  5. Those are exactly the words I thought of after posting!!! EXACTLY!!! LOL! Great minds think alike !
  6. Some people are just to dense for their own good ! Whata Maroon...as Bugs would say.... Ace is not an ace.
  7. I'd pay it in a heartbeat if it would bring back locationless in its own catagory. I have just as much fun looking for the requested subjects/images as I do looking for a regular cache.
  8. Rating...Ranking.....How about just enjoying.... Realizing that human nature is competative, how about just competing/challenging yourself in this (what is suppose to be simple) pursuit.
  9. I know, its legs are on backwards!
  10. That's just very very wrong....
  11. Dont bother if you are looking for an answer tho, as no response has been posted. ...if you want replies you have a better chance in Geocaching.com forum.
  12. I would add....see the Dear Mr. Irish thread...its alot along the lines of this one.....
  13. Geocaching Pure & Simple + Rules and Regulations up the wazoo = caching becoming tedious. edited for sucky grammer
  14. and again.........
  15. Jeeeeeeeez Sparky...don't tick off the cat with the sharp pencil in his hand...he's armed !!! ....I'm not sure about the dangerous part though...unless it's to himself...
  16. Basically it is the same as logging a regular cache. Then you go to the page after you have posted, and there will be the link to upload a picture....just follow the link.
  17. You can, of course, print out the locationless list to carry with you in your vehicle...
  18. locationless list Here it is....... And locationless has been on hold for quite awhile, with no word as to when or if it will start up again... And yes you do need to use your GPS...most locationless require you to have a picture of them with the subject in your log, and also the coordinates of the subject.
  19. Probably meant like leaving good luck. We have a cache near here that does not have room for much but the book, so the cache owner requested you leave a wish, or take a wish, or a bit of luck, etc. and put it in the log book...
  20. I see no lynch mob forming....we all learn by our mistakes... It just takes some longer then others
  21. Ditto
  22. I bow to greatness..... Congratulations on ALL your input into the sport of Geocaching
  23. Is it the thread called "Parasite Caches" on page 2 ? by I believe Amazingracer...
  24. I sort of did, long ago in another thread, when I posted this: Note the brow. Man. Finally someone found the similarity. That's what (more or less) I was going for. I've been told I look like Mike Myers. I've also been told I look like Brendan Fraser, but I thnk it is more the mannerisms. And we are not even gonna ask about mini me
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