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Everything posted by Tungstène

  1. Sorry to tell that this challenge is not working. I found geocaches yesterday and today. But no souvenir awarded.
  2. No, it doesn't. Only sequential Adventure Labs are subject to this "trick" (which can also be used for good reasons, like poor coverage). More precisely, only "unlocked" Adventure Labs' locations can be triggered while on location and, therefore, answered later. So, if you're following a Linear Adventure Lab and have answered the first two locations, you can trigger the third one by going near the place it is located and answer anywhere later.
  3. Hi! You should have reached the https://www.Wherigo.com/cartridge/details.aspx?CGUID=dcdcd2ff-c171-4487-93bc-678f6d03ac4f page. Don't fill the form. Just look for the "Download" button on the left hand side of the screen. Please Sign in if you're told to. You'll have to select "Pocket PC Device" in the selection list named "Download cartridge file for:" (even though your iPhone isn't a pocket PC device).
  4. For what it's worth... It floated my boat.
  5. I noticed it too. I really liked the "dead" smiley [xx(] and it has been replaced by a skull.
  6. Everything is OK... Except for Adventure Labs (and maybe Event attendance) prior to staff's intervention.
  7. Wheel of Challenges blog entries say that each Found it, including AL locations, should count for 10 points. There are several reports that this is not the case in another part of this forum. Please note that "finding" a location today triggered the blue switch souvenir, so it is not a global problem with this type of "log".
  8. It seems that Adventure Labs Locations foun/completed today (after 12:00 UTC, of course) are not taken into account by the leaderboard. Correct?
  9. J'ai bien peur que ce soit impossible sans ressaisir la réponse. Pour les prochaines fois, comme tu es premium, tu pourras utiliser le bouton proposé par certitude qui non seulement corrige les coordonnées de la cache mais copie également le texte de la page réponse dans les notes personnelles.
  10. The game is great. I loved it! But there are geocachers who logged the "hidden geocache" once they located it on the map. I'm pretty sure they weren't there in person. I even doubt that they sent answers to the earthcache owner. I'm so disappointed that this nice idea is spoiled this way. Maybe HQ should watch the geocaches they chose to "hide" in geogames in order to limit unfair logs?
  11. The drawing associated with the 2023 hider souvenir shows all the non-grandfathered geocache types EXCEPT for the Wherigo cache type. Does it mean that Wherigo caches are to follow benchmarking into oblivion?
  12. Tu peux atteindre la page du TB en saisissant son code de suivi dans le formulaire https://www.geocaching.com/track/ Le lien ci-dessus se trouve dans le menu "Jouer" / "Objets voyageurs" situé en haut de chaque page du site.
  13. I guess it could be useful to identify what isn't working as expected. Is it an image not showing, an event not triggered, an user function acting differently, maybe an action missing? It is not officially documented, but it seems that there is a couple of reserved keywords the official compilator doesn't like and therefore you shouldn't use to name your variables, for example.
  14. Bonjour, Si tu vas sur la page du TB, tu dois voir dans les mains de qui il est censé se trouver. Tu peux tenter de le contacter afin qu'il le dépose (virtuellement) dans la cache où tu l'as trouvé. S'il ne le fait pas ou si tu es impatient, tu peux le lui prendre ("grab from another geocacher"). C'est une des actions possibles sur un TB quand on connaît son numéro de suivi. Dis-moi si c'est bon. Tungstène. PS : quand tu prends un TB, tu n'en deviens pas propriétaire. Ta phrase évoquant un "précédente propriétaire" est donc un peu erronée.
  15. Bonjour, Il faut passer par le site Web, trouver le log et cliquer sur le lien bas à droite (nommé "Afficher / Éditer le log / Images". Ensuite, il faut cliquer sur l'icône du crayon, à gauche de la poubelle, situés vers le haut à droite.
  16. Bonjour, Il existe un sous-forum spécifique à la langue française. Cette conversation y sera peut-être déplacée si un modérateur ou une modératrice le juge utile. Bien que ton premier repère soit physique (au sens "existe réellement et concrètement dans la nature"), il est virtuel au sens géocaching du terme. Seuls les étapes physiques sont concernées par la règle des 161 mètres. Il ne devrait pas y avoir de soucis. En cas de doute, envoyer un message à un reviewer actif sur ta zone permettrait de t'en assurer définitivement (en donnant les coordonnées concernées et la description de "l'indice"). Since your first waypoint is virtual (in geocaching terms), it shouldn't conflict with any physical waypoint. To be sure, you may contact a local reviewer and ask (don't forget to give the waypoint coordinates and a desription of what is to be seen there).
  17. Hi! Maybe a revamp of certain sub-forums titles could be interesting, though? Here is an example: dutch speaking people are provided with a sub forum aptly named "Dutch-Speaking Forum (Nederlandstalig Forum)". The same is true for german-speaking people (there is a "German-Speaking Forum (Deutschsprachiges Forum)"). But other non-english languages aren't easily recognisable by non-english readers. For example, the "French-speaking" sub-forum could be renamed "French-Speaking Forum (Forum Francophone)".
  18. Did you download the Wherigo cartridge with your account? Did you enter your unlock code with this exact same account logged in? For your information, the unlock code is unique for each cartridge, depending on the account used to download it. There is a way to enter a code gained with a cartridge downloaded by someone else. This is option 3 on the "Unlock this cartridge" website page.
  19. Hi, I'm sorry but you can't. The best you can do is to unpublish it and to set it inactive, like in the following screenshot.
  20. Could it be that the answer to the question is visible in the location journal (the one that appears once the correct answer has been given)? It turns out that the text and possible image of the journal is downloaded in advance by the application. It is therefore possible to take advantage of this to find the answer to be given. The attached screenshot is an example. The answer to the question that was asked can be seen in the journal photo.(It was something along "what is the duration of a trip to XXXX according to the sign?")
  21. Hi, Sorry for being (very) late. and Actually, there is a better query string parameter for this usage. You should replace ?dl=0 by ?raw=1. The example given by arisoft would become <img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/1edsigndbe78l7x/rain.gif?raw=1"> Source: https://help.dropbox.com/files-folders/share/force-download
  22. I'm able to access the Reach the Peak leaderboard too! But it won't load fully: it misses the background image AND (most important) the bottom part (where is displayed my friends' progress and the current goal and scoring tables).
  23. Another option is to make use of the loadstring function. I don't know if all Wherigo players deal with this. (I only tried with webwigo). -- Name all your monsters' images the same but with another number at the end. zmediaMonster1 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster1.Id = "7331b9fbcecf795c26ca5fd6fc94a05d" zmediaMonster1.Name = "Monster1" zmediaMonster1.AltText = "" zmediaMonster1.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster1.jpg", Directives = {}} } zmediaMonster2 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster2.Id = "c06af43a0f9f54ea684c3175e223c798" zmediaMonster2.Name = "Monster2" zmediaMonster2.AltText = "" zmediaMonster2.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster2.jpg", Directives = {}} } zmediaMonster3 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster3.Id = "5bca6f26cfa5f26b9854446d8ae35fe0" zmediaMonster3.Name = "Monster3" zmediaMonster3.AltText = "" zmediaMonster3.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster3.jpg", Directives = {}} } zmediaMonster4 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster4.Id = "a21031a7d4e6f429ad05f8df976d255f" zmediaMonster4.Name = "Monster4" zmediaMonster4.AltText = "" zmediaMonster4.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster4.jpg", Directives = {}} } zmediaMonster5 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster5.Id = "5168eff92c56b75f089e61642ab4a6b6" zmediaMonster5.Name = "Monster5" zmediaMonster5.AltText = "" zmediaMonster5.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster5.jpg", Directives = {}} } zmediaMonster6 = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaMonster6.Id = "465bab0d8e1d457cb32b673e2fe98489" zmediaMonster6.Name = "Monster6" zmediaMonster6.AltText = "" zmediaMonster6.Resources = { {Type = "jpg", Filename = "Monster6.jpg", Directives = {}} } -- This is the media we'll use in the messageBox. No ressources needed. zmediaPlaceHolder = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartMonsters) zmediaPlaceHolder.Id = "e89bc0f3a7c5edafb35180e44b202c11" zmediaPlaceHolder.Name = "PlaceHolder" zmediaPlaceHolder.AltText = "A monster!" zmediaPlaceHolder.Resources = {} -- A global variable holding the number of the next monster to be shown. var_monsterNumber = 1 -- In this demo, a timer will trigger the monster message (after 5 seconds). ztimerHourglass = Wherigo.ZTimer(cartMonsters) ztimerHourglass.Id = "360401d881bc863a1d74a014893c97a7" ztimerHourglass.Name = "Hourglass" ztimerHourglass.Type = "Countdown" ztimerHourglass.Visible = false ztimerHourglass.Duration = 5 -- At the beginning, let's choose the first monster to appear and start the timer. function cartMonsters:OnStart() zmediaPlaceHolder = zmediaMonster1 ztimerHourglass:Start() end -- Monster is approaching! Look at its photograph: it never is the same ;-) function ztimerHourglass:OnTick() Wherigo.MessageBox { Text = "Oh look! There is a monster here!", Media = zmediaPlaceHolder, Buttons = {"Run away!"}, Callback = cartMonsters.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB1 } end -- When we run away (i.e. when we click on the messageBox button), we choose -- another monster number and we start the timer again. cartMonsters.MsgBoxCBFuncs.MsgBoxCB1 = function(action) var_monsterNumber = var_monsterNumber + 1 if (var_monsterNumber > 6) then var_monsterNumber = 1 end -- Next line is where the trick lies ;-) loadstring("zmediaPlaceHolder = zmediaMonster" .. var_monsterNumber)() ztimerHourglass:Start() Wherigo.ShowScreen(Wherigo.MAINSCREEN) end -- [...] --
  24. It all depends on how (and where) you make the call. For instance, you could try to use an array of media.
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