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Everything posted by hydrashok407
quote:Is a traveler fair game once it has been placed in a cache that is not an intermediate or final destination as designated by the traveler owner? Usually. However, there can be "special" circumstances that might prevent it from being fair game. quote:If you found this traveler would recording its number, leaving it in the cache where you found it, then logging it as a find feel like a "real" find to you? That answer could vary from each individual cacher. I would consider it similar to logging a virtual caches... which I don't particularly care too much for. I like the hunt, but I also like the swap. I'd probably not log the find at all, but that's just me. quote:Would you feel denied if you could not take the traveler to place in another cache or otherwise be consistent with the traveler owner's instructions? Nah. If I can trade for something, I do. If not, oh well... there's always other caches. quote:Does the recipient have the obligation to beat the competition to the cache? I don't see geocaching as competition at all. I like it when I'm the FTF (only happened once so far), but I don't HAVE to be the FTF... or the one that nabs a traveller (coin OR bug). My first regular cache had a bug in it, and I opted to leave it because I knew very little about them. I tend to try and follow directions, and if I can help a bug, I'll take it. If not, I leave it, and I have no feeling a depravity at all. quote:Note: We might need to assume that the traveler was placed after the finder's cache page print out or data download and without attached instructions. If this is the case, then it's a surprise. It happened to me just two days ago. I missed the cacher by no more than a day, and I found the bug before he even logged it. The bug I found before that hadn't even been logged in the cache I found, and it had been there for a while. I read the instructions and decided I could help it, so I did. This bug I found recently had no instructions, so I can just move it around and around. If it was left there for another finder, I'd have left it there. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
I don't know? After doing a brief search on the web, it looks like I can get some poker chips made with a custom design. I think I can order 1000 of them for around $200. That would be a neat signature item. On the same token (pun absolutely intended), I picked up a TB that is a GeoCaching casino style chip. I wonder where I can get some of these??? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
I've been wanting to get some of my own coins made, however, the cost/quantity is outrageous for even the most simple design. I kinda like what GeoVamp did. It appears he bought some blank wooden nickels and put his own stamp on them. I would still like to get video game type tokens made with my own custom design. Not having much luck in finding an economical solution on the web... -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote: September 22 by Team Sagefox (543 found) I have posted a new topic on the forums to discuss the very heart of the coin incident in a safe environment where people can leave the flame throwers in their holsters. If you are interested please go to: General: Should a traveler be left in a cache for someone specific... I will delete this entry in the near future. GCE06C I remember reading an entire thread about this specific incident. I looked through the forums, but I can't remember the title. The general consensus was you should've left other people's property alone. I'm not flaming, I'm going to try and get a very serious point across here. Geocaching relies a lot on honesty and integrity. While you had no intention of it, I'm sure, what you did was stealing. I'm glad you had the decency to make it right. It doesn't matter that the item was placed in a public cache, and it was something you wanted. The fact is, it was left for someone specifically. It doesn't matter if you, I, or anyone else (other than TPTB) agree or disagree with it, the fact is, it certainly didn't belong to you, and you took it. When items are placed in a cache, they are generally offered up to the next finder. This was a special case, as the item was left (without any doubt) for someone specifically. You were not that person. That makes it stealing. I want a geocoin, so I'm going to buy one (or four or five). I hope I get lucky enough to find one some day so I can log a find, but I'm not willing to take anybody's property to do so. I noticed all of the logs were deleted pertaining to this incident (other than the "Oh boy! It's back!"). Your choice was simply bad form and not very "cacher-like". This isn't judgement on you... we all make a bad decision or two in our lifetime. Lemme know what geographical area you're in, and I'll get a Texas Geocoin and attach a TB to it and send it your way as its mission. If/When it gets to you, you're free to keep it. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
Plan to Eliminate the Pirates: Yea or Nay
hydrashok407 replied to Pantalaimon's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:Seriously, this pirating has to stop. If you have to eliminate all mention of it to not encourage it, fine. Ban accounts and associated accounts, fine. Zero tolerance. None. People shouldn't screw with other people's caches. Period. Yeah! Even when it comes to removing "Religious Propaganda"! /me slaps hand... BAD HYDRA! BAD HYDRA! -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
Just a Random Thought...
hydrashok407 replied to radical geezer's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by radical geezer:I see. And you do this after you've had approximately how much - ummm - Koolaid to drink? Oh I couldn't tell ya... funny thing about that "Koolaid" in Vegas... they just give it away in the casinos! I couldn't live in Vegas, not because of the ease of gambling... but the ease of drinking. You can get plastered with about $.75 worth of nickels... you put them in one of the casino cups, and "watch" the slot machines. When you notice security starting to eye you, you casually pick a slot machine and drop a nickel in. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you get to drink!! THEN! When you're done drinking, you go to the elevators, ride it to the top floor........ -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
Just a Random Thought...
hydrashok407 replied to radical geezer's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by radical geezer:Why? I don't know? But I just got back from Vegas, and I got to do one of my all-time favorite annoyance pass-times.... I get on the elevator, and go to the highest floor in the hotel I'm staying at. When the elevator reaches the top floor, I push ALL of the buttons right before I get off. Then, I push the "going down" button, and wait for the next elevator to arrive. I get on, push all of the buttons, then get back off. After doing this for a while, I'll get on the elevator and maintain an angered look on my face, and instigate a complaining session with other elevator travellers about the idiot that did that. It's GREAT practice at keeping a straight face amidst a most hilarious situation. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
I'll never tell what I look like. ...but I think Jeremy looks an awful lot like Tim Robbins... -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by martmann:I am not pro or anti religion, I don't like people trying to convert others. That's just how I feel. That feeling doesn't drive me to remove something from a cache, so my feelings have a net effect, on others, of zero! Excellent post! All of it. The issue here is not about religion, politics, agendas, etc. It's about censorship. I've seen it posted on this very thread that Jeremy might/should add religious items to the no-no list. Once the censorship starts, there's no sensible way to end it. Let's take this a step further. What if a bumper sticker that said "Kill Whitey" or a Confederate Flag key chain was left in a cache, would someone feel that these racial items should be removed? What about CDs that contain explicit lyrics? What about Pro-Life or Pro-Choice items? A Pro-Lifer might take offense to finding a Gladney Clinic (an abortion clinic) keychain in a cache. I could continue listing many controversial items. My point is, I feel cachers should be able to take and leave whatever they want, as long as it doesn't hurt (physically) anybody. If it hurts them mentally/emotionally, then they have bigger issues and should learn how to deal with life in the first place. Any one person's beliefs do not entitle them to "police" caches. There are fanatics of all types. If these people can't co-exist with other people who may think/believe differently, then they shouldn't participate. They can go be fanatical somewhere else. Here's a novel thought... how about trading something you believe in for something you don't? (TRADING being the key word) If you're atheist, leave an item that says "there is no God", or if you're agnostic, leave something that says "there may be a God", or if you're Christian, leave something that says "there is a God". Do with your traded item as you please. Burn it as a sacrifice or whatever, just don't bother us other cachers about it. Not only was removing the "religious propaganda" from the cache wrong, but they belittled whoever left it by referring to it as such. I would've been more impressed with a log that said "left nothing, took (specific religious item(s))" That, at least, shows a little tact. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by Snoogans:You're gonna fit right in at our event caches if Breaktrack doesn't catch you speeding on his side of town. (BTW- Where the heck is Benbrook anyway?) Having found the cache where the log was signed that started this whole thread, I saw that it was in California. That explains a lot. Benbrook is a suburb in SW Fort Worth. I used to live in Alief, and my two dearest friends still live in and close to Alief. I went to Elsik. I was a Ram. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by Bender:I do not believe in God. Why do so many people think it is their job to make me believe? The two things people fight about most is religion and politics. I would remove anything concerning either of them that I found in a cache. Why do you feel you have to police caches that you visit? You're forcing your non-belief in God by removing religious items left in caches. There are many agendas, whether it's political, religious, or social. I would like to find a "Vote for Mondale" button in a cache. While it's "political", it's also a collectors item. Would you remove that, too? Evangelism might not be the only motivation to leaving religious items in caches. I'm not a Buddhist, but I wouldn't be opposed to finding a Buddha ornament in a cache... to some people, it's a good luck charm. I also wouldn't remove mystical crystals, or dragon figurines, or pentagrams. I recall finding a book of horoscopes in a recent cache. None of these things are "my thing", but I certainly have no right or responsibility to shelter others who may want these things. I have my beliefs (religious, political, and social). I do not get offended when I stumble across others' beliefs or opinions. Those who do need to get a life. By taking action against the fanatics you oppose merely shows your fanatacism for simply a different cause. By leaving the religious items in the cache, the person merely OFFERED it to another finder. By removing the items, you're denying future finders of picking up something they might enjoy. How dare you. If you don't want the religious items, simply pick something else. I found a cache just last night with baseball cards in it. I don't like baseball. Should I have removed the baseball cards? Hmm.. maybe the next cache finder might enjoy baseball cards. Oh no! I don't like baseball, so NOBODY should have access to these cards! I don't force my views on other cachers, and I expect the same from them. To offer is not force, but to deny is. If you don't like it, just leave it be. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
What do you do with your cache trade items?
hydrashok407 replied to hydrashok407's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by Doc-Dean:Umm... obsessive... compulsive... If you saw how messy my office is, you'd know just how wrong you are! ...and just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they really AREN'T after me! -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
quote:Originally posted by Breaktrack:Okay folks, move along, nothing to see here. Return to your homes. Nothing to see? NOTHING TO SEE!!?? I'll tell you what *I* see! I see that you were a tanker, and that offends me. Not only should your items be removed, your logs deleted, but something be done about your awful nickname and avatar. If I see anything that says "Breaktrack" in a cache, I'll certainly remove it for fear of offending FUTURE infantry soldiers such a s myself finding it. It's not right that you leave your Armor propoganda scattered all over caches and the forums. You should be ashamed of yourself as a cacher AND a poster! How can you be such a fanatic about something that offends others SO much, Sir? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
Ok, maybe this'll look right?? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 KoolAid Drinker "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by hydrashok407:I hope I got the froggies on my sigline... -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com Hmm... maybe you have to log out and back in for the sig line also? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 I drink the Kool-Aid. -=Kool Aid Drinker=-
I hope I got the froggies on my sigline... -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
I must apologize up front for this post. I cannot express in text how ridiculous I think it is that someone is removing something from a cache because this person thinks it's "offensive" based on the fact that it's religious in nature. I have my own beliefs, and do not go out of my way to force them on anyone. I expect the same out of them. I don't care what kind of "religious propaganda" it might have been (Christian, Satanism, Islam, etc...), the fact is, it said something about the person who left it in the cache. By removing the item(s), that person essentially forced his/her views on the future finders of the cache. Then, this person had the gall to log it. It makes me wonder how people like this function in society? When someone places something in a cache, it's an offering to future finders of the cache. To some people, that's a very personal thing. The person who removed the item(s) has violated the person who left the material for who ever might have WANTED it. How dare him/her! He/She reminds me of a religious fanatic that I know who carries a widget (razor blade with a handle) in his car so he can remove the window stickers of Calvin whizzing on a (insert car logo here) just because he's "offended by it". Some of us out here think those stickers are funny! Again, I apologize. I see no humor in someone being so fanatical that he/she feels he/she has to force his/her views on the rest of us... especially when it means messing with someone else's property. If it ain't yours, keep your dadgum hands off of it! -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
What do you do with your cache trade items?
hydrashok407 posted a topic in General geocaching topics
Each cache I visit, I like to swap something. I used to search the house, in between the cushions, in the car, etc... trying to find something interesting to leave in a cache where I take something. Recently, I decided to leave Where's George dollars. I try to take a coin, or some kind of small, flat object that's unique to that cache. I have a log sheet where I record not only the date, but the time I found the cache, the item I took, and the item I left. I'm modifying my log sheet a little to where I can write down the serial number of the Where's George $ I leave at each cache. I have a Bailey's (it's a liquor) can that I keep all of my finds in. I can pull any given object out of it, and look up when and where I got it. I don't know if it's corny, or sentimental, but it's what I do. I just wondered what everybody else did with theirs? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
Logging in to Geocaching.com multiple times (?)
hydrashok407 replied to Aksor+Raskol's topic in Website
Make sure you have cookies enabled. You can even optionally set it to remember you so you only have to log in once... If you absolutely WANT to block cookies, add Groundspeak.com and geocaching.com to your "always allow" list. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com -
I must apologize to my approver. Not realizing he wasn't the one who made the decision to not approve my cache in the first place, I got a little short with him in email. I thought about apologizing to him via email, but I'm sincere, and I want to do it publicly. I don't know if he reads the forums, but I hope he sees this... ...can I have some Kool-Aid with my crow? -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
Well. After a couple of emails to the right people (contact@Groundspeak.com), and a little bit of reviewing, this cache has been approved. I don't know what to say? Thanks, Groundspeak, and thanks approvers for giving this cache reconsideration. Thanks to cachers and divers for going to bat on this one. I think I'm now infatuated with Hydee, so maybe I should go out and find something else to antagonize her about? (just kidding, JUST KIDDING!) -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by NO OverbearingTO$:If folks want to subject themselves to that level of servitude then cool, have at it. Have fun being exploited. Meanwhile there are several GEOCACHING sites ont he web where folks are still into playing the game of Geocaching and not playing GC.COM's game. I don't see how not changing history is servitude? I don't see how not deleting something this user created is exploitation? GC.com didn't force this guy to post what he posted. GC.com is serving me (the cache community collectively) by keeping the cache listing in tact. I'm sorry the guy regrets posting here in the first place, but it's something he gave to the community, not gc.com. I'm willing to play the gc game under the guidelines that gc.com has established based on the needs of the gc community. I'm glad that this guy isn't the one making the rules. If he were, geocaching would cost me more than I'm willing to spend on this game. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
quote:Originally posted by Frolickin:What does he do? Just go away? Once a cache is submitted, it becomes the property of Groundspeak. Not the cache, itself, but the listing. Another twist to this is, who do the logs belong to? If I submit a log, the cache hider has the ability to delete it (which I somewhat disagree with). However, I authored that log, so shouldn't it be mine? The logs and cache LISTINGS are the property of Groundspeak. It's one thing to say "I'll never go back to geocaching.com", but it's another thing to say "I've never been there". -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com
I believe I see the problem. I found a cache he hid at: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=958c8613-e35f-4951-a2bf-87547370dfb4 It appears to be a solicitation for phone cards. The cache dictates that you can only trade phone cards with a $10 or greater value on the card. I would certainly question his motives for dictating what cachers can leave and take, especially when the cache must have a cash value. I can understand a themed cache, but even then, there's no real dictation on what HAS to be left or taken. Maybe he was wanting cachers to fund his phone calls to friend/relative? I would probably find this cache for the log because it's there, but it sure makes me wonder how it got approved in the first place? I certainly would be signing the log T/L nothing. -=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 "Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com