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Shadow's Friend

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Posts posted by Shadow's Friend

  1. I received my gift on Nov 17th, but waited until Christmas to open it and it was well worth the wait!


    When I opened the box I was thrilled to find a lovely card, geocaching stickers, bracelet and 16 gold wrapped packages.




    I received

     Great caching items - 2 flashlights (one for my caching bag and for my keychain), a toolkit, 2 micro caches, and a logbook

     4 Beautiful Christmas lights - I will put these on my desk at work. They will fit perfectly below the computer monitor, are delightful to see and will be there all year long.

     A new wallet that will be perfect for caching.

     A dazzling barrette that I can wear on New Years Eve.

     3 key rings with tokens. I had no idea what the tokens were for. Luckily this year my husband’s nephew and his family, who now live in England, were here for the Holidays. They told us the tokens are for shopping carts. They explained that you put in a pound coin or one of these tokens to get a shopping cart and when you return the cart you get a coin/token back. This ensures the carts are returned. A great idea I think we could use this process in the States, just image, no carts left all over the parking lot.

     A very nice Angle of the North Garmin Coin. It is our very first Garmin coin and will be displayed in our home.


    Thank you very much Wadders!! You are a Superb Secret Santa!!


    Thank you Butterfly Lady you are a true Christmas Angel!




    1. Participating: Yes, Email Sent – 10/17/08

    2. Received Name: Yes, 10/31/08

    3. Outward Mission mailed: 11/10/08

    4. Inward Mission Received!: 11/17/08


    Mine came today!! All the way from the UK!! Thank you Secret Santa!!


    Shadow is guarding the package to ensure it will stay wrapped until Christmas. It's going to be a very long time until December 25th, but I am going to wait. Anticipation is half the fun :anitongue:




    1. Participating: Yes, Email Sent – 10/17/08

    2. Received Name: Yes, 10/31/08

    3. Outward Mission mailed: 11/10/08

    4. Inward Mission Received!:


    Oh I hope I did it right -- My first mission. :)


    If you sent at least one unactivated geocoin and one Christmas related goodie, then yes, relax.

    All missions are appreciated. The person to whom you are sending a mission off to, is a very lovely person, and I know they will appreciate whatever you feel reflects Christmas.


    There are no rights and wrongs, so long are you do not mail offensive or prohibited items.




    Thanks for the encouraging words.


    The first time is always the scarest and I would hate to be one that messed up Christmas. Not while Santa is watching. :)

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