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Posts posted by amaSoekSoek
Well done iPajero, on your double ton !
Really impressive, you should write a book about your caching experiences in SA...
I also recall one cache where one of the kids I was caching with pulled off the TB tags as he wanted the car it was attached to. I had to go back to the cache site the next day to retrieve them!
Every time I take the kids with it is scary!
In between trying to stop them fighting about who gets what,
what has gone in and what come out. Did the TB get placed or
did one of them stormed off with it..... $#@$%$#!?!
More often than not, they end up taking goodies I've brough along in the place
of taking anything out the cache.
Young kids and geocaching aren't for sissy's !
Hi CH,
Its been a quiet few weeks in the EC geocaching fraternity yes.
Hi Amasoeksoek and Fish Eagle. Cats and Dogs in Cape Town today. No caching for me...
Hi CapeDoc, the cats & dogs from Cape Town just arrived in PE...
I guess no caching for me tomorrow ;-)
I try to keep mine updated, but must constantly guard not to put all caches on there... ;-)
And I must agree, what is an enjoyable cache for one, doesn't mean it will be the same for the next. Maybe different time of the year, places change over time ext....
my 2 pennies
This will maybe be remembered by some EC cachers.
2 days a cache is published and an up country cacher (Me) does a FTF right under 3 locals noses. They pitched up one after the other just after i found it. All hoping for a FTF.
Grrrrrr !
1) Who has the quickest find in SA, after a cache has been officially published?
2) Not sure if this is possible?: How many cachers per province?
+anlufu, +iNokia, Geoff Ogden, +amaSoekSoek, cincol
A busy day today. I hope you all have a good day.
More gerhardoosMPsa !
Dis lekker koel hier in PE vir 'n verandering.
Just a note "Garmap Africa Series 2009 Vers 1" is not an upgrade for Southern Africa Streetmaps Vers1.0 / Vers 1.5
To upgrade it is like R345 / R375 or something.
Sad but true, in finding a cache - I often only have to look for paths in the grass/vegetation. Or looks for out of place plants/rocks as evadance of where people were....
You need to pop into the Little Netherlands TB Hotel in Randburg/Olivedale. Or the Pretoria TB Hotel
Great caches - always full of goodies to be travelled around and a great way to get Travellers closer to their goals.
There are so many caches - It is difficult to select which ones to do in a limited time frame. . .
And then there's the family obligations . . . ;-)
Will try to get to these 2 though. Tks!
I will be visiting the JHB/Heidelberg/Sasolberg area over the weekend from PE.
Wanted to see what all the Walie caches are all about. . .
Leaving PE on Thursday - Returning on Monday
Anybody wishing for some TB's to hitch a ride in hand luggage, you are welcome to contact me.
I'm hoping to bring back some of the rain you guys have been having. We need it!
I'll bring up some wind. . .
Happy caching !
Happy new year CapeDoc, Brick, the pooks !
Good morning to all the regulars! - Carbon Hunter, cincol, Bouts777
I'm sitting pretty - AT WORK !
Interestingly my centroid is moving closer and closer to my place of birth - Adelaide in the Eastern Cape.
The centroid is now lying between close to Alice (between Adelaide and East London)
This is really a nice cache. will gladly adopt !
PM sent...
Good afternoon fellow cachers besem, Trackinfind, anlufu, boris, CapeDoc !
Preparing for a weekend of caching?
Just after the co-ordinates where release for the PE one,
we were about 4-6 people searching for it. I did not recognise any of them as local geocachers.
We searched for it for about 2 hours without any luck.
Trust me if I say it was well hidden in an area with thick thorny bush & trees.
I searched again this morning for about an hour, only realizing later it was found last night at 7:15pm.
And in the end, I think some NON-geocacher found it !!
Not sure where though...
I defnatively need to brush up on my caching skills !
(As the vision of a shiney new garmin GPS fades like mist before my eyes...)
It is quite sad - it has happened too many of the "self -regulated" leisure activities/sports I've had the privilege to enjoy. i.e SCUBA diving, 4X4 driving, Shark diving ext.
I don't know the details of this incident in KNP , but what normally happens in the end is that the authorities which are normally not qualified in this sport/activity (or has never actively participated in this sport) makes a decision without truly understanding the sport –or based on one (or few) incident(s).
Both sides will have valid points, but in the end the authorities must make a decision and guess which way it normally goes….
Having said that – I really do hope that Fish-Eagle will bring us good news, regarding being able to cache not just in KNP, but in all SAN Parks in SA !
It doesn't matter, they still cannot play rugby anyway ! -Tong in cheek-
East London - or wait, that was the first landing in SA?
OK, you can called me obsessed, but I've actually just finished updating all 3572 caches in my GSAK database with the AddLogs.gsk makro! Took me ages, but now it's done!!!
Wowee BB! What is the possibilty you can drop the GSAK database onto my FTP site?
Here is the latest update on ACTIVE caches in SA.
DATE -Aug 06 - Aug 22 -Sep 08 - Sep 15 - Sep 30 - Oct 09 - Oct 27
West Cape - 709 - 705 - 708 - 709 - 712 - 706 - 711
Gauteng - 650 - 646 - 643 - 645 - 659 - 666 - 681 -
KwaZNatal - 441 - 448 - 447 - 453 - 457 - 456 - 456 -
East Cape - 345 356 - 361 - 367 - 379 - 380 - 384 -
Mpumalanga - 340 - 342 - 344 - 348 - 356 - 352 - 370 -
Limpopo - 200 - 201 - 204 - 205 - 206 - 204 - 200 -
North West - 116 - 118 - 118 - 119 - 121 - 126 - 133 -
Free State - 108 - 107 - 107 - 107 - 107 - 112 - 115 -
North Cape - 45 - 44 - 44 - 44 - 44 - 44 - 44 -
Active Event Caches - ? - ? - ? - ? - 5 - ? - 1 - 1
TOTAL - 2954 - 2967 - 2976 - 2997 - 3041 - 3046 - 3094
Pocket Queries
in South Africa
Hi people
I'm having problems on the pocket query page.
Even if I click on the MyFinds "auto" pocket query at the bottom,
nothing whants to happen. I havent been on geocaching.com for
a couple of weeks/months so havent use this function in a looooong while...
I have been retrying since yesterday with no luck.
Anyone experiencing the same issue?