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Everything posted by ARFinders

  1. Hi! ARFinders here!, from Valencia. We can help you with that. contact me at gc.com and lets see how can I give you a hand GeoRegards!
  2. ARFinders doesn't "want" anything. Jeje (win the lottery, that we DO want) ARFinders speaks out a thought, and idea. (As you can see at the end of the original post) Also: Yes, that's the idea and, No, i haven't think about the "implementing specific requirements' of the proposal. That's why this threads are for. Now that you've pointed out. It's a great issue for off-line users don't be able to 'reach the goal' on the way. If (a red, bold, italic, caption, neon, firepowered IF) GS ever consider this idea, they'll have to think the thechnical tools required for avoid this big issue. Thanks for thinking out of the box
  3. Thank you so much for sharing this tool 👍🏽
  4. How could that possibly be based on "experience" ? A few years ago a bunch of long-time premium members ravaged two states on a "numbers cache run" that left caches open, items scattered at GZ, and a couple, signing their names on the outside of the container. - As a repeat, these were high numbered, long-time premium members. "Careless searchers" can be anybody, and there is no way to see into the future as to who they might be. Ok. Let's say: Experience AND probabilities. You're totally right about ""Careless searchers" can be anybody" and there are "long-time premium members" such a #%$%&% with cachés... but seems to me, that it's also true, that it's more likely to find this 'kind' of players in newbies than veterans
  5. Always. And thank you I'm afraid I don't handle the caché ratios in this area... couldn't tell. But most of them are 'all public' And the issue I see isn't the lack of cool cachés for newbies but, really cool cachés jepardized by careless searches: bending over the benches, poking around all over the place, groups arriving at GZ like "ATF comando" playing 'who find it first', things like that. If all of this happens in a bottle-cap caché, no problem. But if happens in a hand-made elaborated and very well camouflage cachés, is a real pity. Because they end up archived Other case, early this year we were in Norway and made tandem with local (no premium) geocachers. We end up using my cell phone because i have inet connection and, Several cachés founded as a team or 'first view' by them, they couldn't log because they weren't premium. Other case, an excellent Wherigo from top to toes. It had it all, history, fun games, tricky test, logic puzzles, timed runs, etc, and the final caché was wonderful Totally integrated into the 'public furniture' (sort of speak). A Masterpiece. Plundered and Damaged for good That's why, among other things, I came up with this idea. Its not about letting anybody outside (as happens rigth now with PM only caches), but setting levels acording experience acquired When you gonna lear to swim, first at the little pool, then the middle, finally the big&deep pool, don't you? But the same with cachés, first the easy-ones, and when people have some experience then Tthey can access to better ones ... that first, then There's something I'm missing... This could be a good idea. but had to work the same in both platforms: app and www
  6. Thank you for letting me know what you think guys Maybe youre right. There will always be trolls and cheaters. --- So do I. The moment you touch their pockets... but thinking out loud is free Not the goal, but its a solution. Thanks Although I'm not talking about MY cachés only. I'm not That selfish (yet, apparently, jeje) but the whole community's
  7. Pues muy sencillo, dile a tu amigo que te diga cómo resolvió el misterio. Intentas resolverlo por tu cuenta. Y luego vuelves a registrarlo.
  8. In a perfect world, it would be like that. But, it's understandable that there are cachés so good and so elaborated, that should exist a fair way to protect them from 'careless newbees' who doesn't know (yet), or simply doesn't care about it In the actual method, the only way is to pay the membership and block the caché for premium members, wich doesn't ensure that the next "premium member" who search for the caché has only 3 founds and or doesn't care With the filter, CO can set a filter of (let's say) 200. So newbees, can't see it or log it. Only when they have a two hundred founds experience this will be shown Its not a permanent block (like the premium only system), but a system to let the geocachers to search for certain cachés, only when they have some expertice in searching and caring Im premium myself and my cachés are 'all public'. Even when I've hidden a gadget caché that last 'days' until been damaged. I DO believe in the UNIVERSAL concept of geocaching, but Im also sure not everyone is ready for all cachés since the begining. No one runs before learn to walk
  9. They're commited in using but no commited in enlarge and improve the system. Besides, if they don't hide any, also don't have the need of setting a block parameter Bad thing with the original proposal (that I'm realizing now that you've pointed it out) this people would be 'forced' to hide cachés they obviuosly don't want to. Maybe creating a proportion rule: the more founds you have, the less hide you need" to reach the requiered level Tricky subject... the cheaters!... Thats the idea, but if everyone blocks all their cachés, the careless new players won't be able to get experience, that's the hiding quota for. 'You can block hour cachés for veteran people, but first help the newbees to get experience' --- If people only pick up trash on CITO events, its a shame. We need to be able to take care of the enviroment even when we're not geocaching. --- With this idea, premium members and 'Filter Allowed' (lets call it so) are not the same thing Rigth now, a paid member can block its cachés only for paid members. Regardless they know the concept and rules of geocaching. This way, many many people who cant (or wont) afford the fee, misses great cachés With this, premium members keep their capabilities except 'the blocking' part, obtained not by cash but 'implication in geocaching' so, with your stats achieved all along those years, for sure, you also keep the 'block capability' Also, you can filter who you want to be able to see/log you cachés: some of then for member (premium or not) with 100 founds, others more elaborates for 1500 founds Owners gonna get more founds and geocachers gonna have more cachés availables according their experience in the game --- Challenge cachés can be seen by all comunity ADN can be logged found even if you don't do what they ask. Of course there are high probabilities your log to be deleted but... its up to the owner With the 'Filter allowed' method, youre not going to be able to see the listing Until you have what they ask And the 'Y' part, youre rigth. As I told above in this post, maybe calculating a ratio: 'the more founds you have the less hides you need' --- No. It seems I havent explain myself clear enough. What you've understood is what 'premium members' do rigth now. I'm talking about CO can filters the access to their cachés according to the experience owners want the geocachers already have to have access to the listing and the caché --- Thats what 'premium members' can do right now when checked the "Premium Members Only Caché" --- In countries with less than 250 cachés in it, doesnt really matters if youre premium or not. With a 'caché population' that small, filter a caché (by any method)... that would be selfish
  10. Hi people, We've been talking for a while in a spanish geocaching forum about premium members features and capabilities. And how unfare seem to be that, only those who pays can block the access to their caches regardless their implication and commitement to geocaching filosophy. So here's the idea: What if... Everyone can publish caches but if you want to block access to your caché, you have to reach the (X/Y) level X=a number of founds (lets say 250, per example) Y=a number of published&actives caches (lets say 10) So, users can find and hide all they want but, only those who have already found AND published the required quota (determined by participation and not by the size of the wallet), are entitled to block access Not apply to the already found/hidden cachés, but for the new caches the user intend to publish, Blocked system allows the cache owner to decide how many founds has to have a geocacher to be able to see the listing info, and also be able to log the caché So he can, per example, publish a caché restricted to 100. Then geocachers with 99 or less found are not gonna be able to see/log this caché, until they reach this parameter. Encouraging geocachers to keep finding in order to obtain access to a new level. But this blocked system only aplies to the new caches the user publishes. So he has to maintain the quota of caches with 'all public access' because if this caches are deactivated, disabled or transfered the user loses blocking rights and all caches become public. Ensuring there will always be available cachés for new geocachers Just a thought... what you think?
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