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Everything posted by capoaira

  1. I'm not sure, but maybe an empty input is considered as wrong. You can catch it with useing the onWrong() method (not sure if it called onWrong, maybe something similar). I allways copy my else branch into these method to catch all incorrect answers.
  2. <li> tags, are tags that should be closed, so your html is wrong. The formatter/compiler expect a closing tag and try to fix it. You sould rewreite your list like in niraD post.
  3. The umlauts (like ä, ö, ü and ß) are not displayed as such after sending, but in their HTML decimal representation (see photo). They are displayed correctly in my mail program. So I'm assuming it's because the message is being displayed in a <pre> tag.
  4. Is there somewhere a site where we can see the Wherigo.lua oder the dev API with all methods we have on the current Wherigo?
  5. I would also like Zones with more points. For Example on a Play Anywheres is it nice to have bigger fields shown on map. Not ust cycles. If we want to be downwards compatible we also have to implement zones with more than one point. But zone with just one point are easier for all, so it make sense to add them too. I don't like lua, but we need languages witch are possible to restrict. Maybe some whitch use imports like lua, java, python. My favourite language is js, but in this case we have to think, how we can avoid web request. That is maybe too complicated. I would stick on lua and may add some other, more common languages like java or python. Asking the community make sense. Ee might have better luck building a team if we message people who like WIGs.
  6. This bug is really annoying and exists since months. (I recognised the bug in March 2022) The workaround is to always set the day one after. It would be nice if the engineers can fix it.
  7. Yes, I think in this point your absolutely right. I was not. I started caching with an age of 12. Now I'm 20. Of course I started with my father, but I'm sure, that I wouldn't be caching anymore, if I had waited until I'm 16, to go on tour without my parents.
  8. Thats bacause ist is not like reading from command line in java, bash/shell, haskell,... You have an input field and a button to send the value. In the onAnswer method gives you the input as parameter. In Wherigo it is not a problem to call the same input multiple time. I use the same construct since years without problems. It may be a problem if the events are not triggered and you have multiple input at the same time. But if the event submiting the value, it input is gone. So you can call it again.
  9. Yes, unfortunately the emulator isn't the best. But for most thinks it is enough. You may have more luck with webwigo (https://www.webwigo.net/) The best place to get support is this forum.
  10. If I understood your problem right have to do just something like the following pseudocode: onAnswer if correct then do something else open input You can do it with the URWIGO blocks
  11. The the statement that this rule, especially with PMO is to protect the caches assums that all children under 13/16 are up to no good. My experience with more than 100 own caches is that caches have to protected from power-cachers who only interests in stats. That are the people who forgets to close the box right or put them on the wrong place - just because they need the next point. I would recommend @bjåen that he give his children access to his PM in the app. (If you can trust them, that thay don't do anything stupid with it 😅). Then they can log at home from their own accounts. Or let your children use an app witch can import gpx files and then import the PMO caches to the app ;-) But I also think that family accounts would be abused by many peoples (same happens also on music or video streaming).
  12. Wow, that's a long list😯. I'd love to help, but with my current knowledge, I can only help with the website's UI. I don't think, that the storage at the Server is required. I often hear at events that one of the advantages of wherigos is that they can be played offline. So I think we can live without that. But of curse it's a nice to have also for v2.0 or 2.1 Video streaming often consumes a lot of data. We should also allow watching the video offline.
  13. I know two location based games, with success, independent of geocaching. Munzee and Pokémon Go. The second was only one big hype for a few months. I think the most people, who are really interested is such games, are geocachers. So the best and fastest way to get users is a cooperation with GS. What I never understood: GS haven't any interest in WIGs anymore, why they won't give it to Open Source hands? The most used tools for WIGs (Builders and Players) are from the community.
  14. That would result in a series of problems. We cannot use it for Cache => We don't get players => We don't get creators => We don't get players => ... => We don't get new developers
  15. I think, that Unity Game Engine is way too complicated for Wherigo. But I always thought that a builder like scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/) would be nice for Wherigos, so that also beginner's have good chances to create good WIGs.
  16. Ah, das erklärt einiges, ich habe mich schon gefragt, wo ich "sterben" geschrieben habe 😅. Danke 😊
  17. Moin, die Benachrichtigungen beziehen sich nicht auf deine Homekoords, sonder auf die, die du beim erstellen eingibst (Standardmäßig die Homekoords). Änderst du jedoch die Homekoords werden die in den Benachrichtigungen nicht geändert. Du musst die Benachrichtigung für neue Caches also einzeln bearbeiten.
  18. Thats sounds like very much work. But it looks like you have a good plan of what to do. I really would like to help, but unfortunately I have no knowledge in the most of these things. I wrote a few small webpages and learned a bit Java at university. So I can only help with the website. I know that many cachers are software engineers, so we need to find the Wherigo-fans under them 😅
  19. I would love to see Wherigo development goes on and if someone make a deal with GS that they give WIG in open source hands, I would like to be part of the team (Though I probably can't be of much help right now) I would like to try the app, but unfortunately there is no version for testing. You describe the app as radical different and not like c:geo. So before I buy it blind, I would like to test it. (That may also avoid more negativ feedback)
  20. Yes, ok. It is allways possible that you get ill or some other unexpected things will happen. But that is the same with a WA log. You cannot undo your WA in the calendar. It also doesn't help to delete the log.
  21. No, but I'm sure that will work. But as I wrote, IMO that should be unnecessary, because it is obvious that I (will) attend my own event. I would be happy about it. IMO it would be nice, if these days/events are handled like events with attend/will attend. (Green marked and show it also if thay are outside the normal radius)
  22. Hello, if log attend or will attend, these days will be marked green in the Calendar. I also will attend my own events, but there I don't have to log it (because it's obvious that I attend). So I wonder, that these days are not marked green.
  23. Of course. These logtypes not new, they are only renamed. After a OAR (aka NM) you can post a "Owner maintenance", as far the cache ist available again. Also if somebody log an RAR (aka NA) you can post a write note why the log was wrong. Normally the Reviewer give you some time for that.
  24. You may be have linebreaks in your description. These are converted to the html linebreak <br>. But htlm are not allowed. You have to remove these tags before saving.
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