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Everything posted by orummyo

  1. GCJBMV - WALKIN THE WALK 5/14/07 " ok. so, guess who i went out with tonight...yea, kevo. we're BFF4eva, LYLAS, SWAK...anwho...we went out tonight to snag a couple and decided to grab this one as the last time we tried, there was a HarCo. Deputy "writing reports" in the parking lot. we follow the gps and she's bouncing a little, but we're more or less used to that. whilst perusing the area, i decided to stand up on a fallen log to see if i can see better, or possibly get a better signal. as i stand up i use a nearby branch to steady myself...i am very, very clumsy sir. suddenly, and much to my dismay, a large, winged beast announces it's presence and what i can only conclude was a kamakize-esque offensive flight pattern, it sets it's sights on my face and charges...as i have no shame, and as i am want to do when attacked by large, unexpected winged beasts, i flail about and scream like a small child who'se pet goldfish has jumped out of the fishbowl...(ok, not the best analogy, but im trying here). anywho, as i am well versed in close quarters combat and defensive tactics, my manic-flailing and prepubescent yelping deters the assault and i run towards the light emmanating from kevo's flashlight...he knows jiu-jitsu. after a few minutes of shaking and recounting my encounter with the above mentioned winged beast, we manage to find the cache and head on out. if only i had made this up. "
  2. deleted post. beating a dead horse. drug dealers < whale poop. <3
  3. Walkin the Walk - Northern Maryland figured i should post this as it fits the topic rather well: "ok. so, guess who i went out with tonight...yea, kevo. we're BFF4eva, LYLAS, SWAK...anywho...we went out tonight to snag a couple and decided to grab this one as the last time we tried, there was a HarCo. Deputy "writing reports" in the parking lot. we follow the gps and she's bouncing a little, but we're more or less used to that. whilst perusing the area, i decided to stand up on a fallen log to see if i can see better, or possibly get a better signal. as i stand up i use a nearby branch to steady myself...i am very, very clumsy sir. suddenly, and much to my dismay, a large, winged beast announces it's presence and what i can only conclude was a kamakize-esque offensive flight pattern, it sets it's sights on my face and charges...as i have no shame, and as i am want to do when attacked by large, unexpected winged beasts, i flail about and scream like a small child who'se pet goldfish has jumped out of the fishbowl...(ok, not the best analogy, but im trying here). anywho, as i am well versed in close quarters combat and defensive tactics, my manic-flailing and prepubescent yelping deters the assault and i run towards the light emmanating from kevo's flashlight...he knows jiu-jitsu. after a few minutes of shaking and recounting my encounter with the above mentioned winged beast, we manage to find the cache and head on out. if only i had made this up."
  4. not sure i could handle leaving one embedded long enough for vaseline to work. i went out with some friends the other day and upon getting back to the cars, they must have had 10+ collectivley. apparently ticks are attracted to C02 ( what you, and animals, breathe out)...as i am a smoker, we figured that cigarette smoke maybe repelled them? we figure the smoke was a noxious to them as every other non-smoker. haha, im not condoning smoking, but well...ticks ARE gross. credit card idea is a good one.
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