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Posts posted by RCH65

  1. On 5/16/2022 at 8:39 PM, RuideAlmeida said:

    Maybe the problem is not the website, but some other software you have running, I guess... and some providers used to block geocaching.com in Germany, by instance... who knows also in Belgium?!


    • There were no scripts running on my side... I even deactivated Tampermonkey to be sure...
    • The problem comes... the problem goes... (and comes back again) without any changes (on my side). 
    • If European providers block geocaching.com traffic, you couldn't just switch between browsers - and the problems would occur all over the site
    • I have the strong feeling that this is caused by some faulty data caching somewhere between 'you' and 'me' - and that the problem is somehow related to performance issues. This is why it comes and goes...
  2. On 5/13/2022 at 5:18 PM, RCH65 said:

    Can't recreate the problem right now. Everything is fine.

    Here we go again... 😨
    Now even one step earlier after clicking on 'view map' 

      "code": "CSS_CHUNK_LOAD_FAILED",
      "type": "error",
      "request": "https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/ActionBar.css"
      "componentStack": "\n    at Lazy\n    at Suspense\n    at div\n    at div\n    at div\n    at x (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:112440)\n    at div\n    at div\n    at oe (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:91214)\n    at C (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:195093)\n    at s (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:81490)\n    at O\n    at u (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:402215)\n    at L\n    at t.SidebarProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:10943)\n    at M\n    at t.ActiveCacheProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:75249)\n    at T\n    at t.MobileListProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:15962)\n    at P\n    at t.ActiveListProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:77235)\n    at D\n    at t.ViewProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:17699)\n    at E\n    at t.ApiProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:18210)\n    at A\n    at s (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:80360)\n    at x\n    at t.MapProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:78380)\n    at F\n    at t.BrowserProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/SearchMapDecorators.302c6cd0f4a07b726ddc.js:2:28034)\n    at k\n    at t (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:112036)\n    at Suspense\n    at t.TranslationProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:784804)\n    at n (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:422991)\n    at t (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:114152)\n    at t (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:108533)\n    at l (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:353073)\n    at o (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:354528)\n    at C (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:195093)\n    at f (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:193158)\n    at C (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:735806)\n    at div\n    at i (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:1089861)\n    at C (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:714332)\n    at h\n    at t.LimitSearchProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:227307)\n    at p\n    at v (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:319697)\n    at v\n    at t.FiltersProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:707983)\n    at g\n    at t.ExperienceProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:706378)\n    at m\n    at t.UserProvider (https://www.geocaching.com/play/map/public/web-map.3.1.0.ffc2fa6443c5f75875a4.js:2:798898)"

    Chrome 101.0.4951.67 (WIN 10)
    No scripts active.
    Works on Edge (same machine)


  3. 18 minutes ago, Bl4ckH4wkGER said:

    I am not able to reproduce what is shown in your screenshots. Both maps work fine on my machine with Chrome (Version 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)).


    Strange... everything back to normal right now...

    Maybe it depends on to which server (instance) I am/was connecting to (?)
    Can't recreate the problem right now. Everything is fine.

  4. 16 hours ago, Zop said:

    When uploading field notes from GPS using the older and better logging page, it would upload the 'drafts' found since the previous upload.
    Trying today, we are unable to upload our field notes with the error "Cannot Upload More Than 1000 Caches at a Time"


    From time to time you have to empty the geocache_visits.txt file on your GPS device.

    The error occurs as soon as there are more than 1000 records in the text file.


    It looks like the process is uploading only new drafts (since the last upload) but this is not true.
    It's always uploading the entire file and the webservice throws away duplicate entries.

    • Helpful 2
  5. Ten years later... and we're still on GPX 1.0.1 without...

    - links to images

    - personal notes

    - "changed coordinates" indicator


    I know... the online API (available to handpicked developers) is sexy, cool and strategic... and downloading data (for undefined purpose to everyone!) is quite evil.


    It's still ridicoulously hard to perform a simple task like 'marking solved caches' on an offline GPSr without API access and 3rd party software.
    Believe me... there *are* reasons to use an offline GPS receiver.


    Why don't you give us the ability to write our own scripts by simply processing a GPX file?


    BTW: It's not *your* data... it's *our* data... 


    • Upvote 1
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  6. On 10/3/2021 at 1:00 AM, rassilon256 said:

    Once you've solved a mystery cache the pin on the map moves to the real location. I've looked around both on the website and the iOS app and can't see any way to look at the posted location after solving. What am I missing?


    This is easy on the website:
    Just click on the 'pencil' (next to the solved coordinates in italic) and it will show the original coordinates.

  7. Es gibt ja noch eine weitere Umschaltmöglichkeit:

    Auf der (neuen) 'Search Geocaches' Seite ist rechts die Kartenauswahl mit den drei (nutzlosen) Karten: Geocaching, Google Road Map, Google Satellite.
    Das lässt sich wohl nicht ändern.


    Auf der 'Browse Geocaches' Seite kann ich rechts aus der ganzen Liste der (OSM-)Karten auswählen sofern ich links unter 'Set Map Preferences' die 'Leaflet' Auswahl getroffen habe. Sonst erscheinen auch dort nur die Google Map Optionen.



    • Upvote 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Wolfsrudel1989 said:

    Ich tendiere zu ASCII bzw Hex.

    Hat da jemand eine Ahnung ?



    Hallo Wolfsrudel1989


    Das Forum ist natürlich nicht dazu da, um Mysteries zu lösen... andernfalls wären die Mysteries ja keine Mysteries mehr...

    Aber ja... das sind Daten, die ganz offensichtlich in hexadezimaler Darstellung aufgeführt werden. Falls Du vermutest, dass das (hexadezimal codierte) ASCII Daten sein könnten, würde ich mal eine Google Suche mit "HEX to ASCII" absetzen. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Da *ganz oben* ein Link erscheint, bei dem man die HEX Daten reinkopieren kann und der dann die Daten in lesbare Zeichen umsetzt (sofern dies wirklich hexadezimal codierte ASCII Daten sein sollten)... ;-)

    • Helpful 1
  9. Thank you for bringing back the 'correct' default sorting for viewing.

    However, there's still a bug when content is loaded dynamically while scrolling down.
    The sequence of the records seems to be correct (sorted by the *user's* "Found on" date when viewing someone else's finds) but the content is *not*.
    The "Found on" date of the user (green in the example snapshot) then changes to the (latest) "Found on" date *of the cache* (red in the example snapshot).


    • Upvote 2
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  10. Hmmm... strange things happen.
    It works! It *never* worked for me - not even once! And I tried many, many (many!) times.
    But now it does. Wow. 


    I'm wondering what caused the difference.

    Hope this will last for a while... ?

    • Funny 1
  11. There is a (undocumented? well hidden?) function when writing a log: Press '@' and you get a list of your friends to choose from. This is a very nice feature to mention somone, including a working link to his/her profile and an automatic 'Someone mentioned you...'-Mail to the referred profile. Nice! :)


    However, the function seems to be quite buggy. 


    • The popup list shows 10 (randomly selected?) friends. That's it.
      I'm pretty sure that - some time ago - it was possible to select additional/other friends by pressing the first letter of their profile name.
      This doesn't work anymore.
    • The function only works once. If you press ESC, it won't popup again.


    Is this just me? 

    Anyone else using this function? (BTW: Is this an officially supported function? Can't find any documentation...)

    • Love 1
  12. 19 hours ago, terratin said:

    So I use .png images to illustrate geological concepts on my EarthCaches. I currently host them on Imgur. If I understand it those will stay. But for the future do I have to make scientific drawings in jpg?


    As far as I understand, you still may use PNG images - but not from Imgur (not allowed) and not from img.geocaching.com (automatic JPEG conversion).
    According to https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=97&pgid=956 you may use Dropbox or  Google Drive to host your PNG image.

  13. 2 minutes ago, geoleena said:

    Aha, yes it is a certificate issue. Likewise it could be fixed also by Groundspeak, I think.


    Yes. Definitely an incorrect configuration. 


    2 minutes ago, geoleena said:

    The 3rd party sites give the same error so again it is probably somehow invalid or incorrect certificate.


    Some of them just do not have HTTPS (geotrowel.me.uk in GC3AK1K). Others do have HTTPS but no own certificate (mattsphotobooks.com in GC7T963 is using the certificate of its hoster wpxhosting.com). There shouldn't be unsecured HTTP connections in 2020 and it's probably a good idea to move this stuff to the geocaching.com servers.

  14. 1 hour ago, geoleena said:

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID


    So the issue seems to be the mixed content. Additionally the img.Groundspeak.com server seems not to support https. This is something Groundspeak could fix ;)


    img.Groundspeak.com DOES support HTTPS - but is using a geocaching.com certificate.
    Just change the URL from http://img.Groundspeak.com/.. to https://img.geocaching.com/...

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