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Toby's Gang

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Everything posted by Toby's Gang

  1. I'm all signed up for the bike ride and the bus (6:00 PM return. Is that what you guys got?). I ordered a new passport just because I want to hear the guy say "Your papers please" in a German accent, but that probably won't happen. I even got a new bike...a Gary Fisher hybrid. I'm really looking forward to those homemade fish tacos (I hope they still make those) and cervezas. My new ride:
  2. Congrats everyone!!! Congrats to everyone. I had to think a few moments about what you meant by "stoners". Back in my high school days, a stoner meant something else...not that I know from personal experience, mind you.
  3. I have a bike you could ride and donate. It's hydrid I bought in Australia so you might have to ride on the wrong side of the road. You'd have to take a look and see what needs to be done to it to make it work..maybe just some air in the tires and WD40. Yep!! I'm going again this Sept! For the post event food and beer!! If Lostguy goes, I'll go. I can catch him on the uphills....the downhills I'll never see him, but it might all even out. I think you can count me in too! What is this anyway? The short version - ride your bike for 50 miles and have a huge party at the end. (with some caches along the way)
  4. I have a bike you could ride and donate. It's hydrid I bought in Australia so you might have to ride on the wrong side of the road. You'd have to take a look and see what needs to be done to it to make it work..maybe just some air in the tires and WD40. Yep!! I'm going again this Sept! For the post event food and beer!! If Lostguy goes, I'll go. I can catch him on the uphills....the downhills I'll never see him, but it might all even out. I think you can count me in too!
  5. Now that caching name is really funny! That's funny. I had to practice my Irish accent a few times before I realized what I was saying!
  6. Has anyone tried Cacheberry on their Blackberry? What do you think of it? Any problems? It's an app for your Blackbery similar to Cachemate or GPX Spinner. My father in law was asking me about it but I had never heard of it until he mentioned it. My 71 year old father in law finds out about a new geocaching program before I do...what's this world coming to? Old guys rule!
  7. I don't have a metal detector but I might be able to get one. When are you planning this little trek? Here's the link to the cache page if anyone is interested. GCHV3Y
  8. Toby's Gang


    That's about what I thought. But those links are redirected directly to forums.Groundspeak.com or forums.Groundspeak.com/gc therefore bypassing the 'register' page. ... Good point, as of now the "Register Your Avatar Changes" URLs are redirecting to the Groundspeak Forums directly. And to retract my last observation, my avatar has not updated in the Forum as this posting either... I too lend my hope (and actually somehow knowing...) They are working on it. You have to log out of the forums at the top of the page then you will see the register link. Although, I also haven't been able to update my avatar.
  9. seems re-registering isn't working
  10. I saw the same thing after the site came back online. Here is what they changed today. The terrain maps are very cool! So far I like the changes I've seen. I especially like the new maps.
  11. Yea... That was my bad. (true story) I had a bunch of mexican food the night before grabbing a cache there and had to make an emergancy pit stop in the forest... TMI
  12. Might want to 'shop that upper righthand corner... (or did you already?) The T-shirts they used to sell must not have been any good.
  13. Don't rush down there quite yet to plunk down your $600. They're not actually available until the 15th but you can probably pre-order. I know the Colorado doesn't work really well with manually input waypoints, has anyone heard if the Oregon is the same?
  14. try emailing your local cache reviewer.Mostly the problem is finding a place within MTRP that is open for another hide.I've found a huge space Well, alrighty then...go for it... Just be aware that the policy for MTRP is that caches must placed within 25' (or something like that) of a maintained trail. (Ask Barbados Sam how much it'll cost if you if the rangers catch you bushwhacking... ) (And you might want to check with Marko Ramius before you go on any long hikes to place your caches...some of those "empty" holes have puzzles and multi-cache waypoints in 'em.) Nothing north or west of Borderline in Shepherd's Canyon. That is the defacto border with the Marine base... O good gosh, another hike above the fifty-two? Will it ever end? Don't forget that I have a never-ending supply of medication bottles and am willing to use them. C'm'on back! Bring it on. I'm ready for a good bike ride.
  15. So what do you get when you cross an attorney with a Trailgator? > > >
  16. The falls usually slow to a trickle in summer but there will always be water in the pool as it's pretty deep. Not safe for diving though, many people have been injured doing that. We've been in a drought though so I don't know what it looks like right now. I haven't been down there in a while.
  17. Ditto with San Diego Cache Events Yeah, that's a great thread, if you're in San Diego! C'mon, Vegas is only a 5 hour drive. Everyone is welcome to join us.
  18. Unless I'm interested in an area near a disabled cache, or am eagar to make a find on a disabled cache, I don't care how long the cache remains disabled. I continue to be impressed at the time and energy you are wasting in this cause when there are much more deserving causes out there. You have organization skills and, apparently, extra time on your hands that shouldn't be wasted on us. We're not worthy. Here is a link to San Diego Volunteers. If you are already signed up, then spend more time with them and less on us. Hey, their logo seems vaguely familiar:
  19. Ditto with San Diego Cache Events
  20. OMG! I sure hope you did your research before posting that.... Did George Carlin REALLY tell those jokes???...
  21. What, you're not going to give us the seven words you can never say on a Geocaching forum? Sure here they are: dadgum, dadgum, dadgum, dadgum, dadgum, dadgum and dadgum! I wonder if that's what Harmon sounds like when he's really mad.
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