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Toby's Gang

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Everything posted by Toby's Gang

  1. VERY cute!!! That would make a great Christmas card photo.
  2. I was probably quoting Fat Bastard from Austin Powers with my favorite quote from that movie, "I'm dead sexy, dontcha think..." My favorite Fat Bastard line in that movie is "What? I didn't have any corn! " or "Everyone likes their own brand, don't they?" Sick, huh?
  3. What's taking you so long? Mine's almost done! ... old man down on my knees scraping the floor to remove drywall mud and texturing. Tomorrow is the first coat of wall paint and ripping redwood for framing the jacuzzi tub. Living room full of stuff ... sinks, faucets, shower control, toilet, and tub with faucets and drain parts. Cabinets and Ceasar-stone vanity and tub tops. Driveway is full of junk. Only finds lately were the beta-test logs on your four puppy caches Jodi. Thanks for that. On the other hand you should be happy about my plight, otherwise I might have caught up with and passed your measily little find count. Hello, You're a cowboy. Square building with half moon cut out on front, a hole inside with a nice little bench to aid with proper direction into said hole. Bathroom complete. You could always try one of the Sandy Creek Cowboy caches that leads you to all the bathroom you will need. Been there done that, big time. Suffered two outhouse injuries at my grandmother's outhouse near Abilene, Texas. A. Squashed my right index fanger-nail off in the outhouse door when five or six years old. If y' think that's funny, try it. B. At the same age I walked by the outhouse while smoking a cedar-bark cigar. My dear ol' mom was doing her business in the outhouse and saw me through the cracks in the outhouse boards. She leaped out and knocked me in th' dirt for smoking a cedar-bark cigar. Not sure if it was my cigar brand or if it was the fact that I was smoking. My dear ol' mom smoked Blue Bugle roll-your-own cigarettes at the rate of a pack or two each and every day. For the uninformed one strips the fuzzy bark off of seasoned cedar fence posts to roll cigars that will scald your windpipe. Now that's a man's smoke ... maybe that was my mom's issue although I can't see why. As I recall I inhaled second- hand cigar and cigarette smoke most of my life. For balance allow me to mention a positive aspect of my childhood outhouse experiences, you know, that was throwing rocks into the boiling mass of maggots that populated the untreated pits of 1930s outhouses. Worse yet I darned near died by electrocution one or two years later while showering on the dirt floor of the unfinished indoor bathroom that was being added to my grandmother's tar-paper shack. Grabbed a hanging drop-light and learned all I needed to know about 110-vac. My grandmother heard the noise of my flopping around and rushed to pull me off of the brass socket of the drop-cord. I credit this experience to the REA (Rural Electrification Administration) that brought electricity to the countryside. Don't even ask about Ground Fault Interrupters, back then you were expected to know enough to let go. Gosh, thanks for asking ... I feel much better now. Yeah, I know, you didn't ask. By the way, did I mention the whipping I got one freezing winter when I peed through the screen door rather than going out into a blizzard for a long walk to another outhouse when about seven years old. That was one of those "Note to Self" moments 'cause peein' through a screen door leaves a tell-tale stain. Duh. To sum this up outhouses were fine with me ... and then I got married. Hmm, this is a Geocaching Forum thread so I suppose I should mention something about Geocaching. I've never placed a Geocache in an outhouse but I've scored two outhouse finds. I love these stories...peeing through the screen door....I feel now as though I have missed so much in life.
  4. She archived IHO:TrailGators.... I know how you feel. She archived IHO Toby's Gang too. I hope everything is ok.
  5. Wow. Some moments are just not meant to be shared...not even with a friend.
  6. Good one. I love sharing blonde jokes with my wife
  7. Celebrating 3000 finds with 300 friends...it doesn't get any better then that. (Ok, maybe there wasn't quite that many people there but there should have been) Congrats to everyone else that had milestones too, like Fossil Lady and Fattboy and all those that were able to roll up their sleeping bags and tents on that breezy morning.
  8. It wasn't us!! Lulu and I were FTF on the ones on the Sunset Trail near Phil's Memorial (Prince, Nipper, Sparky, Ears, Bongo, Eight Ball, Buttons and Typhoon), but we hiked the whole trail... A. Send private email to FlagMan naming names. B. Perps' should post simply "got carried away" apology, forgiveness all around. C. If not B above then associated log entries should be deleted from cache pages. Be square, play fair. I agree with Harmon and everyone should play fair but not everyone does. I think you did the right thing by not naming names here and causing embarrassment for everyone involved. They know who they are. I just ask that you don't think all bike riders are trail jerks and remember we (geocachers) are all out there for the fun of the game whether we ride or hike.
  9. Cute! (But it's always interesting to see what YouTube thinks you want to watch next. In my case it was a short clip entitled "Dog's Head Explodes" purportedly produced by the "Don't Let Your Dogs Play With Active Grenades Foundation"...) I got the "Dog Head Explodes" one too. Nice. ...but did you watch it or turn away? Neither. I couldn't watch it. I like dogs too much. It's safe to watch it. It was totally fake and actually kind of corny.
  10. Cute! (But it's always interesting to see what YouTube thinks you want to watch next. In my case it was a short clip entitled "Dog's Head Explodes" purportedly produced by the "Don't Let Your Dogs Play With Active Grenades Foundation"...) I got the "Dog Head Explodes" one too. Nice. ...but did you watch it or turn away?
  11. At first I was , then I thought about it ... ... ...then I was .
  12. Wow! It looks like a deck of cards...When are we going?
  13. Congratulations you two!!!!!!!! Great job. Now keep that streak going. ......1........0.........0...........0............0 Way to go!!!!! Congratulations!!! That's an incredible number!!!
  14. Down in Texas where I come from we call that "Tar tape." It was actually Chuy! that had the duct tape. I mean really, who carries duct tape with them on a 50 mile bike ride?? A Geocacher of course! What you can't see in the picture is the piece of cardboard I put inside the tire to keep in the tube and my crossed fingers hoping it would last. We had a great ride and and even better group of friends. It really was quite an adventure and I wouldn't pass it up for anything in the world.
  15. You could always create one... San Diego cachers seem to like love pizza and beer. Welcome to San Diego! You won't want to miss the November CITO and Desert Events..see the events forums thread for details.... The events thread is also a great place to get out with others for some hikes or a casual day of geocaching around San Diego. You can even post something there yourself and it's almost guaranteed that someone will want to join you.
  16. Thanks for posting it. Maybe ABDSP will see the part about CITO and realize the benefit of Geocaching.
  17. It will be a sad day if these trails are closed. I've both ridden and hiked these trails are there are no other trails like this in San Diego county. If you haven't been there yet, you are missing out. In case you're not familiar where this is, it's south of Ted Williams (Hwy 56) at Camino del sur.
  18. I'm not usually one to pat my own back, but I hit my first 100 caches today...100 T.R. Violin caches that is. I think we should rename MTRP to TRVP.
  19. I would have been out there by now, but I got busy for 2 weeks or so and didn't do much caching and when I got back at it I found that my "cleared out" 12-mile radius now had 120 caches in it!!! Man, can't a guy take a break once in a while?!? Anyhoo, this is one of the 120 (now down to about 60) that I'll be working on soon... That's what's nice about this game it will be there waiting for you. C'mon Santee people! Do I have to come down there? Don't make me stop this car!
  20. I feel all warm and squishy. I think I'll even go to the campout now.
  21. Wow. This sounds entirely reasonable to me. I wonder why this is so hard for other organizations to grasp.
  22. How am I gonna keep up with you on that? Is it new or used? Sure looks new to me. I will sign up today...6pm bus also. Maybe there will be new caches in Ensenada... There's at least one more new one by Chuy! since the last time I was there.GC1BEBX Nice bike Jerry. I'd bring my hybrid, but I'll be looking at Jodi's bike offer. I'll take the 6p bus also. Last April, Ken was still providing the tasty fish tacos, and as always, complimentary Pacifo's and Corona's. Birth cert and ID (Ca driver license) is acceptable at the border, but expect long delays returning to the US. It may help to bring a DVD player or mp3 player. Remember, the September ride can be a warm one; hydrate well before the ride and you should be OK with 60 oz of water during the ride. I got a location hint for that Chaos cache we DNF'ed last time. And I have that new one, Star of the Sea. Also, will be bringing a cache for a location I scouted last time. If anyone else is thinking of doing this ride, now is the time. I got this in a newsletter today: "The Rosarito Ensenada 50 Mile Fun Bicycle Ride has enjoyed a history spanning almost 30 years and has been an icon among cycling events around the world. But the decrease in Baja tourism has reduced attendance to about 5,000 riders: our financial break-even point. We have decided that this next ride on September 27, 2008, will be our last..."
  23. I'm all signed up for the bike ride and the bus (6:00 PM return. Is that what you guys got?). I ordered a new passport just because I want to hear the guy say "Your papers please" in a German accent, but that probably won't happen. I even got a new bike...a Gary Fisher hybrid. I'm really looking forward to those homemade fish tacos (I hope they still make those) and cervezas. My new ride: How am I gonna keep up with you on that? Is it new or used? Sure looks new to me. I will sign up today...6pm bus also. Maybe there will be new caches in Ensenada... There's at least one more new one by Chuy! since the last time I was there.GC1BEBX
  24. I had to look this up
  25. I'm all signed up for the bike ride and the bus (6:00 PM return. Is that what you guys got?). I ordered a new passport just because I want to hear the guy say "Your papers please" in a German accent, but that probably won't happen. I even got a new bike...a Gary Fisher hybrid. I'm really looking forward to those homemade fish tacos (I hope they still make those) and cervezas. My new ride: Do you need a passport or can you get by with an a drivers license and birth certificate? The DL and birth certificate will work. I just wanted to get a passport because I'm hoping to will the lottery and start seeing the world. I guess I'll have to actually play the lottery now
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