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Toby's Gang

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Everything posted by Toby's Gang

  1. Trailgators placed a Dak Girls card in Tombraider on Saturday...Oh, we were there after you. If you need it you'll have to go back.
  2. Have you tried GSAK? Although I don't know if the new version runs on 98, might be worth a try.
  3. I remember those days before cell phones when there was a phone on every tree.
  4. Hey wait a minute! I don't remember that!
  5. I'll be there at 8:30!
  6. I really like the bottom guys name: Al Tahreer! "Worm things"!?!? And to think I was worried about Rattlesnakes.
  7. Sheesh! You sure make it difficult for yourself. You could make it a two part multi with the first point in the high traffic area and the final a short distance away but less traveled area.
  8. Don't run your query from Tomb Raider. It will give you caches near SDSU. Mudcaves Peanut Gallery (GCHQZ5) is close to where it actually is though. Thanks for that reminder. I forgot it was a puzzle.
  9. Sure why not kill 2 birds with one stone! Actually we will be killing 1 and 1/11s birds... BTW, the new one in Boden Canyon is 3 miles north of Rocketman's Part Way up Boden Canyon cache. That makes it a 10 mile roundtrip hike from parking area on 78. So it may be worth exploring that dirt road that cuts across to that area from from Lake Wohlford! If I'm able to go out Sat, I will need to be back at noon'ish. So, you know what that means - a 6a start time for me. If the Little Devil Wash cache remains unfound by then, I will do Tomb Raider with Ginger! and meet up with you guys for the FTF attempt (assuming you want the FTF). Otherwise, I'll do Little Devil first and join you for Tomb Raider. It's alright by me if you do Little Devil first. Tomb Raider is the main reason we are all going out there. We could meet at Tomb Raider at 9:30ish...Sound OK? Certainly, that gives me 2hours to grab Little Devil. Everyone else in the group OK with that? Toby, you can join me for a 6A departure time, or the main group with a 8A departure time. I could drive you and you shouldn't have any trouble getting a ride back if I you want to continue caching past noon, or we can caravan - you're call. I'm still not 100% sure I can make it at all. Group departure time is 8:30AM.... Some us us need every minute of sleep we can get! (Lake Jennings P&R on Saturday) P.S. Chuy, Toby is Jerry's dog. Woof! I know; I was inviting Toby to keep Ginger! company. Sorry, Jerry. I did the same thing before I knew.... What is the GC code for Tomb Raider? I want to do a query so I did a search for the name and all I could find were caches in Germany and the Czech Republic.
  10. Hey! I have a good explanation for those. What? You ate 3 slices of pizza that day? How did you know!!??
  11. Hey! I have a good explanation for those. ...and when I think of one I'll let you know. Now I need to go find two caches.
  12. interesting website that tells me what cache you logged twice. Need to upload mine to find out which one I logged twice..... Haha! I don't think you can run a PQ of my founds.... Thats what you think... Stats for TrailGators Total: 1927 finds on 1926 unique caches (List Multiple Finds) Find Rate: 1.37/day, 9.62/week Best day: 3/05/05 - 101 finds Approximate cache-to-cache distance: 23596.72 miles (37975.24 kilometres) (Excludes locationless and known traveling caches) Average total cache difficulty: 1.78 - Average total terrain rating: 1.73 Average physical cache difficulty: 1.8 - Average physical terrain rating: 1.75 (Traditional, Multi, Unknown, Project APE, Letterbox)
  13. interesting website that tells me what cache you logged twice. Need to upload mine to find out which one I logged twice..... Must be those event caches
  14. Sure why not kill 2 birds with one stone! Actually we will be killing 1 and 1/11s birds... BTW, the new one in Boden Canyon is 3 miles north of Rocketman's Part Way up Boden Canyon cache. That makes it a 10 mile roundtrip hike from parking area on 78. So it may be worth exploring that dirt road that cuts across to that area from from Lake Wohlford! If I'm able to go out Sat, I will need to be back at noon'ish. So, you know what that means - a 6a start time for me. If the Little Devil Wash cache remains unfound by then, I will do Tomb Raider with Ginger! and meet up with you guys for the FTF attempt (assuming you want the FTF). Otherwise, I'll do Little Devil first and join you for Tomb Raider. It's alright by me if you do Little Devil first. Tomb Raider is the main reason we are all going out there. We could meet at Tomb Raider at 9:30ish...Sound OK? Certainly, that gives me 2hours to grab Little Devil. Everyone else in the group OK with that? Toby, you can join me for a 6A departure time, or the main group with a 8A departure time. I could drive you and you shouldn't have any trouble getting a ride back if I you want to continue caching past noon, or we can caravan - you're call. I'm still not 100% sure I can make it at all. Group departure time is 8:30AM.... Some us us need every minute of sleep we can get! (Lake Jennings P&R on Saturday) P.S. Chuy, Toby is Jerry's dog. Woof!
  15. Sure why not kill 2 birds with one stone! Actually we will be killing 1 and 1/11s birds... BTW, the new one in Boden Canyon is 3 miles north of Rocketman's Part Way up Boden Canyon cache. That makes it a 10 mile roundtrip hike from parking area on 78. So it may be worth exploring that dirt road that cuts across to that area from from Lake Wohlford! If I'm able to go out Sat, I will need to be back at noon'ish. So, you know what that means - a 6a start time for me. If the Little Devil Wash cache remains unfound by then, I will do Tomb Raider with Ginger! and meet up with you guys for the FTF attempt (assuming you want the FTF). Otherwise, I'll do Little Devil first and join you for Tomb Raider. It's alright by me if you do Little Devil first. Tomb Raider is the main reason we are all going out there. We could meet at Tomb Raider at 9:30ish...Sound OK? I wanna go...I wanna go!! Can I? Huh? Huh? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  16. There's a fairly large number of Iraqis, mostly Chaldeans who've been granted asylum, living in East County. I wonder what their take is on a US pull-out, and on RadicalGeezer's walk, for that matter. Remember it's never a good idea to talk religion or politics among friends. delete
  17. There's a fairly large number of Iraqis, mostly Chaldeans who've been granted asylum, living in East County. I wonder what their take is on a US pull-out, and on RadicalGeezer's walk, for that matter. Remember it's never a good idea to talk religion or politics among friends.
  18. I wonder what he wants for his jeep?
  19. For those of you meeting someone somewhere, don't forget to set your clocks back tonight. Just a reminder...I almost forgot about it myself.
  20. I think you have answered your own question. It would be a hassle to maintain a cache that is going to go missing. It would be difficult for a cacher to locate it without drawing the attention of group you don't like. I think you need to make your statement about PETA in another way, leave geocaching out of it. There are many other views (nice double meaning don't you think?). Find a place where a cacher would enjoy going, place a cache there. Keep the game simple and politically unfettered. My $.02 Because of PETA it may be a PITA to maintain.
  21. If anyone wants to pull themselves away from the football games tomorrow, we're meeting up with Team Geogeeks to do the MTB Series in Ramona, plus any others in the area. If you have a Jeep or other off-road worthy vehicle, you can meet us in the Kmart parking lot in Ramona about 10:00. The more, the merrier.
  22. Attitude? Drexotic? What? Well...he was a little late getting up Sunday morning .... we had to bumm hot water from someone else!! Who ever this guy is I'm sure glad I didn't meet him at the CampOut. I thought there were some great Cachers there and they were all friendly. Did this guy even attend? He must be afraid to give his Caching name. I'm hoping he had such a rotten time that he'll never come again. We don't need any party poopers or cry-babies. I personally think the event was well planned and had tons of friendly people and it amazes me how each event gets better and better.
  23. I was about to ask the same question about the coins. Thanks.
  24. Just watch your automatic updates. I heard MS is sending out IE7 as a security patch.
  25. Snake, my server at work blocked out that link 'cause the URL belongs to "Erotica and Se_" . You trying to get me in trouble? Blocked for me too....... I don't know how that happened. The URL is http://www.thatvideosite.com/video/3409 It is just a video site, though based on the ads on the side, it is probably sponsored by some porn site. Most of these things are. Someone has to pay the bills, I guess Just watched it (at home). Funny! That's funny. I don't quite remember it that way from when I watched it when I was a kid.
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