Toby's Gang
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Everything posted by Toby's Gang
Is this something to figure out how to use GSAK and cachemate and what-not effectively for us new people? If so, I would have an interest in it, I've left behind or lost so many pens at caches ! Yep, also to include GPX Sonar, Custom Points of Interest (POI), and whatever else I can't think of right now. D! What is a macro? What is it for? How do you set them up? Let's see...what else...? If you look at my profile you can see what a particular macro can do in GSAK.
The main page is showing status updates.
So, what'd you get? Don't throw away the Magellans; they make good parking blocks Yea, what did you get Jerry? Well, first of all my father in law got it for me. He must like me or something. He actually bought the wrong model by mistake. He meant to get the 60csx and got the 76csx instead. They're virtually the same software but the 76 is a little bigger and it's supposed to float. Oh well, you never know when you may accidentally fall in a lake. As for the Magellans, I still use one of them on my bike because that's what I have the handle bar mount for. Congratulations! You'll enjoy that new Garmin 76Csx. There's just a couple of notable differences between the 76Csx and 60Csx, larger case and a bit more base memory in the 76Csx. Of course installing a 2-GByte memory card takes care of memory requirements either way. Geocachers Baldy & Goldilocks bought a 76Csx about two months ago and have been very pleased with it. They brought it to me to check for firmware upgrade and to install detailed-maps onto the memory card. Be sure to download the full user manual from the Garmin site and keep watch for periodic firmware upgrades using the Garmin Web Updater installation that you'll find on the Garmin website. The bad news is that you'll want Garmin MapSource software now and its pricey compared to Magellan MapSend. Otherwise you'll be stuck with the crude base-map that's installed in the 76Csx unit and no road-navigation as well. Maybe you can sell the Magellan to cover the cost of MapSource. By the way, if you want to float-check the unit just give $kimmer a call. Very cool. I've already purchased the US Topo (did that on the first night after taking a look at that base map). REI has it on sale for 75 buckaroonies. I did the webupdater just now so I'll have to wait and see what that does when I get to take it outside and try it out. The sad thing is, I went MTB caching with my Platinum and there must have been a bug inside me, waiting for the right moment to pounce, because I haven't felt good since. So I haven't even been able to really try this thing out. Thanks for the pointer on the user manual. I saw that on the website and assumed it was the same thing that came with the unit. I'm glad to hear Baldy & Goldilocks are happy with theirs. When I first saw it, I was a bit worried about the physical size of the GPS. But then I'm used to carrying around an Explorist 600 and that thing is tiny. And the part about $kimmer; I'll have to ask her about it the next time I see her.
So, what'd you get? Don't throw away the Magellans; they make good parking blocks Yea, what did you get Jerry? Well, first of all my father in law got it for me. He must like me or something. He actually bought the wrong model by mistake. He meant to get the 60csx and got the 76csx instead. They're virtually the same software but the 76 is a little bigger and it’s supposed to float. Oh well, you never know when you may accidentally fall in a lake. As for the Magellans, I still use one of them on my bike because that’s what I have the handle bar mount for.
One of the few times I cached with you it was Two Garmins vs. your one Magellan and you kept grabbing the caches. It was either better technology or your superior geosense. Welcome to the world of Garmin and don't look back. I'm actually not from this planet. My brain is about 10 sizes bigger then the normal geocachers. NOT You guys will have to give me some pointers next time we go caching together.
I'd like to make an announcement that is sure to please many and disappoint a few. I have finally joined the Garmin crowd. Now I can be just like you. Don’t worry you Magellin Heads out there; I still have a couple of those too. Ok, now that should get some discussion going.
Yeah, and isn't May 1 some sort of communist holiday? If I remember correctly, Marko Ramius wasn't a communist.
Fantastinis Marko!!
The weekend is getting close and I'm getting restless
If I am just my dogs guardian and not his owner, I want him to start helping around the house more...like picking up his poop and doing the dishes.
If it includes a side trip to do some gambling, I may even be able to talk my wife into something like this. But of course, we’d never see her on any of the hikes.
You only scratched the surface...you left out some of north county's worst!... My opinion is: I don't like them...and I think the ones that do not state, in the description, that it is there house or that they have permission, should be archived. I loved the one that is 40' down a driveway (big red ammo can visible from the street) and the listing says you don't need to enter the driveway. Another good one is the one next to some one else's driveway (they don't know about it I guess) because they followed us for half of a mile and wrote down duncan's! license plate number when we stopped. Which ones do you know Dave? Also thanks Dave for letting me know about those three! I added them to my ignore list. I did the 3 that I listed no problem. Actually, Dizzy's was cool because I met the owner. Thanks for letting me know of the others. Maybe that would be an interesting bookmark list! Yea, if you made a bookmark list it would be useful for many of us. I have found a few "front yard" caches, and boy, was I nervous. I don't usually go looking for these unless I happen to be in the area and I'm absoulutly sure it's safe to do them. I guess I would rather not have any of these around. I sure wouldn't hide one in my front yard even if the neighbors knew about it. I wouldn't want them to see a prowler and mistake him for a geocacher so then not do anything about it.
There have been many times I've referred to previous logs for hints when I'm having problems finding a cache. Now I wouldn't want anyone to just give the exact location of one of my caches or one that I'm looking for; that would take the fun out of it. I think you have the right to ask someone to change their log, but I would ask them to do that first before just deleting it. Let them do the right thing. If they don't want to, then delete the log. A Geocacher also has to be carefull when reading the logs if they don't want any hints. There is the warning above the previous logs: "Warning. Spoilers may be included in the descriptions or links."
I have some kml and kmz tracks. Will that help?
Save the loc file in a convenient location on your computer like your desktop. Open Google Earth, go to File>Open>click on desktop>change "Files of Type:" to Gps (*.gps *.loc) then select your loc file and click the Open button.
I'll have a radio. I am not sure which channel is good for that area, but 2 or 11 seems to be the geo-number. We should be up there around 7pm tonight. We will have channel 2 set unless someone has a better one. Not everyone has sub-channels so just the normal channel 2. TA Channel 2 it is...but a little birdie told me something about the number 39 today.
Me!! I have to work Friday night and most of the day Sunday. Ramona is on my way.... Hmmm, isn't it your turn.... Sure is. Just let me know what time. Anytime after 8AM is fine with me.... 7:30 it is then...just kidding. Hey look, 300 posts.
Me!! I have to work Friday night and most of the day Sunday. Ramona is on my way.... Hmmm, isn't it your turn.... Sure is. Just let me know what time.
Me!! I have to work Friday night and most of the day Sunday. Ramona is on my way....
Be honest. How many people looked up the coordinates? Be really honest. How many people looked up the website?
Me!! I have to work Friday night and most of the day Sunday.
That would really stink, but with the explosion of caches out there, I would not be surprised. Most of the explosion of Caches are not in the ABDSP they are in the Off Road Area and BLM areas of Ocotillo Wells. If this becomes true, we (SDGeocachers) should meet with them and present some guidelines we Geocachers will abide by if we’re allowed to continue to hide and seek caches in the park. We could show them the agreements with SDRP and even arrange a CITO event to show we care about the park. I’m sure all those flower lovers leave trash just like everyone else. (I wonder if they would ban flowers from the park) It’s all politics and sometimes one has to play along.
I don't know...What is today's date????
Just to be sure I don't drive out here for nothing is this hike still on? Yes! If you want I can swing through Ramona and get you..... Sounds good to me.
Just to be sure I don't drive out here for nothing is this hike still on?