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The Targett Family

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Everything posted by The Targett Family

  1. I am setting up a UK links page with helpfull links to other UK Geocaching Website that are usefull to beginners and the more hardened cacher alike. A small directory of UK caching sites if you will! What sites do you find helpfull or think others might find helpfull too, this can include personal websites, home pages, info sites and commercial websites alike. Post the website URL as so www.kenandliz.worldonline.co.uk this will then become a usefull resorce to all cachers who visit the UK thread. Or you can Click here to suggest a link and in the margin you will find "Click here to add a web site" this is a direct email for this perpose. Or you could do both. |
  2. Hey Paul thnx for the reply, I understand about the trek 4 you though, especially if your organizing. It's closer for me though hehehehehe. Seriousley though If we can make it we will. |
  3. I would live to come but unfortunatly I have to work on Saturdays. Team Blitz! The Queen Elizabeth Country Park offers BBQ areas they even supply the BBQ,s Not the charcoal or meat though, just a thaught. Also this means the Kids can come along also as there is so much one can do there. Here is the link to the QECP Also here is an eairlier threadQECP Thread For families with kids day times would be easier. Is the cache 4 Muggles going to be a Chamber Pot of Secrets |
  4. Good Shepherds a new Idea using Gidgi Cams, can't wait as I use mine all the time just take a look @ my website.Plenty of Pics Here |
  5. Team Blitz Thanx for your response, people from around england can take part, if they want to post their TB's to me then I would be happy to enter them into the race. For my address you would need to contact me via email and I'll send you it. And Omally I do belive you owe the Tree a very big Hug )~ |
  6. Hi there just wanted to say, the Chichester Meeting is going to be running a Travel Bug race on the day. Click here for the TB's Race Details Chichester Meet Details |
  7. quote: Thanks, Eric, Tim & June, for your clarifications, and especially for the counter-examples. Makes it a whole lot clearer. Yeh my sentiments exactly lazy leopard, I don't want to be a Trole but I still think GeoC should change it's guidelines shown on Event caches, as the description shown is too ambiguas, as it seems the guide lines have changed quite a bit. T&J & Chris and Maria I just want to say, I do apreciate all you are doing for GeoC and us cachers and I'm sorry to have caused you so much hassle I want to thank |
  8. quote: Thanks, Eric, Tim & June, for your clarifications, and especially for the counter-examples. Makes it a whole lot clearer. Yeh my sentiments exactly lazy leopard, I don't want to be a Trole but I still think GeoC should change it's guidelines shown on Event caches, as the description shown is too ambiguas, as it seems the guide lines have changed quite a bit. T&J & Chris and Maria I just want to say, I do apreciate all you are doing for GeoC and us cachers and I'm sorry to have caused you so much hassle I want to thank |
  9. This is true about changing the image quality on the camera. But if you do this then you wnot have any control or latitude for editing your image taken with the camera, the larger the camera the more editing you can do Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  10. how long do you think this thread will go on 4. And R the original list of British GeoC's still relevant Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  11. I had a day oof from this forum and was supprised to see this thread and to find our cache page has been archived. Whist there is no cache there WoodSmoke ad I will run a Log, camera and there is a memonto keyring to obtain if you come. These three things you would find in a cache and you could say the Pub is a good find for all the families out there as it has an indoor and outdoor play area. I am building a webpage @ the mo so we can publish the photos and logs left at the chichester meet for everyone to see if they are interested. So I guess what I'm saying is:- Whilst this is and informal meet thoes who want to log their visit can and we would like it to be that way too on GeoC. Please Un Archive us T&J Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  12. GeoNut Obsesive geocacher, probably most of us here in the forum Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  13. Jeb & Co I use fireworks for my images it realy is the easiest out of them all I've tried the editor the good sheapherd has just recomended, it's easy to use but you do need some understanding of what you are doing. Whilst it does show you the compressed image it does not show you the size. which is all important. Photo shop is good, I use it for resizing photes but I still use fireworks to compress the image. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city. [This message was edited by The Targett Family on April 05, 2003 at 11:30 AM.]
  14. We have now set the venue up as a virtual cache. See hereChichester Meet Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  15. Sorry to see Pharasee and Lizeeeeeeeeeeeeee can't make it. But I hope others can. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  16. <a href="test.mp3" target="_self">Click here to download</a> Nia try that Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  17. If the forum is so boring why do people always come back for more boring back chat? Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  18. What Rygel has said is true. Technicaly the have given you permision for you to do what you want with the photoes as long as they are not making money or being used for Iligal perposes. Here a mug shot of me taken by my 2.5 year old son. Boy I'm Ugly Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  19. LOL thnx for your feed back so far it's been usefull Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  20. I found a cache that was in a Window Putty Tub. These are air and water tight. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  21. Niffy is not about the distance, I was hope he would encourage people to place caches. Nieve maybe but I thaught I'd give it a go. Would you take part if it came over your way, it might you know. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  22. Would you take part in this competition??? See Here:- Niffy TB Comp P.S what do you think about the page itself? Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  23. I use the fuji fine pix, and I would recoment it to anyone. It has a 6x Optical zoom and a 2.5 digital, the zoom is great and helps compesition. The softwear that comes with it is easy to use and has enough features for the person wanting a little more. Take a look here all of the images on our site were taken with the Fugi Fine Pix. Images I will open my chat room and if you want I will stay there for the next hour time 20.05 GMT Just click on chat when you visit website. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  24. The other 2 have said it all realy: a couple of pointers though: Trade equal or more than that the item you take. Take a couple of item's with you, as this can help. You might find a cache not stocked well. If we find one like this then we replace a few items and don't take anything. It's also a good idea to take a couple of Zip loc bags with you, atleast one for what your going to put in, but some times a cache needs a little help with it's waterproofing. Often cachers can't visit a cache they have placed so it's up to us to help preserve that cache for further use by others. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  25. quote: if my Mapsend Streets doesn't sell on eBay maybe I'll leave it in a cache This line should end with "I'll leave it in one of the Targett Families caches" Thanx for that kind gesture Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
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