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Everything posted by SYOTT

  1. Thank you for choosing what I said as the "winner"... it was one of the worst days of my life, but it does have a happier ending in a way. I've gotten help both spiritually and through professionals. and I have the most amazing/OMG story from this as well which I'd like to share with everyone. After everything calmed down from that day, I started looking in the obits of our local paper to see if I can find out at least the name of this young man, which I did. His wake was that night and I felt it necessary to go to it, if only to get the vision of how I found him out of my head and to see him how he would have looked. While preparing to go to the wake, I decided to open the cache for the first time (which I removed from the scene at the police request), to my astonishment and believe me, this is no word of a lie... sitting on top of the cache contents was a pewter angel!!! I grabbed it and took it along with me. At the wake, I found his mother and pulled her aside to introduce myself as the person that found his son... I explained to her what I was doing out there and then told her what I found and that I felt that she should have it... what really blew my mind is that she told me she received an angel every year for Christmas from her son. She was convinced that this was from him!!! WOW... she then took me around to the rest of the family/friends and told them my story and what was left in the cache... something I wasn't expecting to happen at all... I was expecting questions to be asked that I couldn't answer. All I received was hugs and thanks for finding him. I still talk with his parents on a regular basis and have become very close with them as well... through tragedy we've made a bond that will last
  2. How is that gonna go for those that have their name on both missions??? Well, if mission 2 got muggled, no one will get it, so Those on mission 1 will stay and I'll add those from 2 What else can I do ???? Opalsns Not quite the question I was asking... I'm asking about those (including myself) that are on both missions... I'll use myself as an example... I haven't received either mission yet, and you move the mission 2 names over to mission 1. Would that mean my name appears twice for mission 1 seeing as I was on both missions?
  3. How is that gonna go for those that have their name on both missions???
  4. There's 3 or 4 library caches in my area... each of them are puzzle caches with the solved puzzle being the library location & catalog location or just the catalog location itself... they're very fun caches to do
  5. Count me in... all info is correct on the spreadsheet
  6. I'm still in on both missions... patientially waiting for my turn :-)
  7. Just wanted to share the scariest moment while caching as well as in my life... I'm not going to get into details as it is inappropriate to do so on here, so if you really want details, I'll share it only via e-mail. I was caching in 2008 and not 10m from GZ I had come across a young man that had taken his life earlier that day Just letting people know that it DOES happen... if you've experienced anything like that and haven't talked to someone to help you through it, e-mail me and I'll be there to listen as I know what you're going through or have gone through
  8. SYOTT


    This was my cat Bronx... he was such a good cat... I miss him alot
  9. Might be something worth while investigating... I may try to draw something up within the next day or so to see what it'd be like... I have ideas floating around in my head already for that As stated in another post the likelyhood of using the Red Cross symbol are about slim to none. Understandably so they are very specific on the use of their logo. Use of Red Cross logo guidelines I wonder if there's a manufacturer out there that'd be willing to donate the entire cost(s) of production so 100% of all sales could go to the red cross... if they could... maybe the red cross could be approached in using their logo(s) on the coin seeing as there'd be no profit to be made by someone else...
  10. Might be something worth while investigating... I may try to draw something up within the next day or so to see what it'd be like... I have ideas floating around in my head already for that
  11. I'm officially in the race... Team Git 'er Done!!! It's written on the back bumper in case you wanted to know who passed you!!!
  12. I have the latest version... Are you sure? Haven't tried the beta yet... I'll check now... That was it.... thanks!!!!!!!!
  13. I have the latest version... Are you sure? Haven't tried the beta yet... I'll check now...
  14. I have the latest version... the before shot is what's generated from findstatgen itself... the after shot is what it looks like once I upload it onto my GC profile... and this only happened after GC changed the site
  15. When I make my profile layout with GSAK, my maps look like this: Once I upload it into the site, it turns out like this: what gives???
  16. Not only the most easterly in Canada, but in North America!!!
  17. I'd given up hope, but ALAS!!! The package arrived today!!! The contents were wonderful!!! Pictures to follow later....
  18. It's only been since the site update... I updated my profile this afternoon prior to the change and it was fine... after the change... not so much
  19. FindStats (as made by GSAK) aren't looking the same on profiles anymore either... almost like there's a hiccup in the html coding between what it was and what it is... we are not amused...
  20. I have a feeling that it's still changing... otherwise, there's gonna be some upset people out there
  21. Still haven't received my package ... Pretty well given up on hope for it... Guess I'll just try again for next year...
  22. I vote for C
  23. That was fast... trades pending... I think I may be good for now... I've contacted those who've contacted me
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