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Everything posted by cfauld

  1. I walk with a cane, caching or not... I have considered switching to a trekking pole though to replace my cane in rougher terrain. Reading some of these posts has convinced me I need to make that switch.
  2. Wow, that is pretty cool. Good luck working things out with your daughter. I sent you an invite under the name "Lykos".
  3. AcK! I would start to get paranoid if I kept finding skulls near caches. That would Freak me out!
  4. I monitor my teen on MySpace as well. Every once in awhile I have to email him with a "Change your picture... before your Mom see's that!" Since we do not live with him, it helps us keep track of him even though we are 80 miles apart. He and I can email each other all the time through MySpace, since he practically lives on there. In addition, I have been able to find a bunch of my High School friends that I didn't even know were ON MySpace. Since I went to High School in Virginia and now live in Ohio, it was cool to find a bunch of people there. It isn't only for teens and pedophiles. There are a couple of adults there for decent reasons. Glad to find another one! :-D I'll have to look for you on MS we could start a single parent of myspacers group!!! LOL But I am not Single! We could start a MySpace Parent Watch Group! Sorta like a Neighborhood Watch, but online. :-P Crazy Kids... Hehehehe
  5. I have been very active on forums and chat rooms since 1994, and one thing has never changed. There will always be people who feel they can say anything they want online, things that they never would get away with in person. I have been amazed at the foulness and disgusting comments I have seen people make over the years. And having met some of them in person, I know for a fact they are full of it.. it is their online Persona, which is the complete opposite in real life. I think a lot of people make themselves to be "Bigger and Badder" than their true selves to try and pump up fragile egos. And I wish it were just limited to just kids who did this, but all to often it is adults as well. Whenever I would call someone out on it, point out that they would NEVER treat another human being like this in public, they usually start blowing even more smoke. "This IS how I act in real Life!" Bull... You would have been incarcerated or dead if you did. Why can't people just act as if they WERE standing right in front of each other? That is how I have always behaved online, and I am generally (Not always, but generally) a well liked person. I would not want to support "Forced Identity" on anyone for the reasons others have already mentioned... But I wish everyone would start acting like you were face to face... The online world would be a lot more civil. Sincerely, Brindle AKA Lykos AKA cfauld AKA Chuck ;-P
  6. Hi All! I am a big-time newbie myself (As evidenced by my number of finds), and I prolly would have made the same mistake the other newbie did, so I can see how the mistake could happen. If I had received your email, I would have understood (May not have been happy about losing a precious "Found It"), but I would have changed it. You have to remember, us Newbies cherish these first finds like they are our children... well ok, maybe not THAT much... :-P I don't see anything wrong with your email, and I would have changed it if it had been me.
  7. I monitor my teen on MySpace as well. Every once in awhile I have to email him with a "Change your picture... before your Mom see's that!" Since we do not live with him, it helps us keep track of him even though we are 80 miles apart. He and I can email each other all the time through MySpace, since he practically lives on there. In addition, I have been able to find a bunch of my High School friends that I didn't even know were ON MySpace. Since I went to High School in Virginia and now live in Ohio, it was cool to find a bunch of people there. It isn't only for teens and pedophiles. There are a couple of adults there for decent reasons. Glad to find another one! :-D
  8. I did my very first Skirt Lifter yesterday, and my son and I had a great time with it. It was at a Rest stop on the Interstate, and with the large number of light poles, we had to move around a bit to make sure we had the right one. There was no great mystery or difficulty, just a fun thing to do on a long trip, and an excuse to get out and stretch the legs. As many have said, I am sure the "Coolness" of light poles will get quite dull as time goes on, but I see no point in attempting a ban on them. For now, my kids think they are cool. There is another rest stop cache that is also a light pole, and I am sure we will hit that one too on another trip.
  9. We have a Nikon D70 which is great for outdoors shots, especially if you want to take a pic of anything moving fast (ie: Birds in flight, deer running, etc). However, since I am a dork and usually LEAVE the camera at home... I end up taking all my pictures with my camera phone. :: Thunks his head :: A high end camera does you no good if you don't bring it along. :-P
  10. http://www.myspace.com/cfauld I am VERY new to GeoCaching (As you will see from my stat bar on the MySpace site). Thank you to Lil Devil for making that Stat Bar Redirector! I was having a devil (No pun intended) of a time trying to figure out why the Stat bar would not work. Many Thanks! Add me to your Spaces!
  11. yeah, seems a bit odd to have a bunch of caches for me to visit IN Montana, and the grand prize be a free visit TO Montana! Heck, if I could get my butt to Montana for the Cache hunt, I wouldn't NEED the free vacation! They should have made it a contest to figure out online, and the winners of THAT are entered in a drawing for a trip to Montana. Requiring me to go to the place they want me to win a trip to... doesn't make much sense. Let me win the free trip, so that I can go Cache Hunting!
  12. Personally, I would be really Psyched to find polished stones or rocks in a Cache. I may be weird, but I love geology, and think it would be very cool to see what others had done - Especially if I knew you had polished them yourself! Fossils would also be a great find for me. As French said though, I would be a little disappointed if it were from the creek 5 feet away, but if you went to a lot of work to make the polished rock... That's way cool. CFAuld
  13. Thanks The Girl! I went out with my wife and 16 year old, and found the bridge easily. We were a little baffled at first, and the river was flooding slightly, but my son managed to find the cache eventually. It didn't help we came from the opposite side from the directions, so I was backward to begin with. Scrapes, mud, and all... We had a great time. We were ready to go find the next one when we remember the rest of the family was back home waiting for us to bring home dinner. Oops! We found GCZX50 set and maintained by OhioSpelunker. Thanks Everyone! C. F. Auld
  14. Hello All! I am in Cambridge, and my wife and I are going out for our very first Cache tomorrow! I found the Geocaching.com website yesterday, and I found out there is a cache 1.4 miles from my home; I drive by it everyday! We are really excited to be joining this new hobby. She and I like to drive off and just get lost on back roads, and then have fun trying to find our way back out again. Now we can actually try and get lost with a purpose! I have been enjoying reading the boards here. I am really excited about tomorrow. C. F. Auld
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