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Everything posted by Esscafe

  1. Well, if there is a record to be claimed then I will claim it along with cptracker and explorer olway. It was a 13 hour day when we were on foot from parking the car till returning to it finding 62 caches along the way.
  2. We will be there well before 10am on Saturday and happy to help in any way. Not camping nor night caching though, but thanks anyway!
  3. Does anyone know please if it is possible to 'bring back to life' an archived cache? I meant only to temporarily disable and now it is gone!
  4. We will be there, and happy to help any which way.
  5. Well done Guys; catch up with you at the next meet.
  6. Well done!! The second hundred all first caches found at night!!!
  7. Well done both teams - heres to the next ton!!
  8. Thanks guys. Favourits:- a) my first, for getting me started; my last, for the numbers; c) all in between, because the concept of the game is so NICE in a world that is going mad. I I have virtually met soo many of you, but it was good to really meet a cacherr at my 100th.
  9. The closest I have come in 89 outings was 24 mins behind another cacher. Really looking foward to the Chichester and Winchester meets.
  10. I have now done 87 caches and never knowingly met another cacher, so I am really looking foward to being there.
  11. I also would not like the trinkets to go they are a big part of caching and I like many enjoy seeing what I will find each time. I do not find it a big expense as I go to local boot sales and find endless items to add to the caches I find
  12. I thought that the most important part of caching is enjoying the location which has been chosen with exceptional care - the views, history, originality, or 'cute' factor etc. Having often travelled some distance to get there, it is very annoying having to search for ages without the help of a good clue when I just want to sign the log book and move on. A clue is supposed to help after all; if you don't want it don't decript!
  13. Willing and very able to do a, b, and/or c.
  14. Would love to come and help in any way....
  15. Not been at it long but on 48...
  16. Now, there seems to be a marked reluctance to talk about this subject, or is there something I don't know?? I love Geocaching, and really don' wan't to be excluded from the club. Please help.
  17. There seems to be understandable attention in the rules to obtaining the land-owners permission before placing a cache. As I am looking to place my first I would appriciate some guidance. Most of the caches I have found have been on Forestry Commission, Local Authority or Borough Land. Do people - a) Not seek permission Apply individually for each placement? If this is the case, is there a list of whom to contact; c) Is there a system for 'blanket' approval sought by admin? (A note on 'admin' would also be helpful; who are they and what do they do?) Thank you for your comments.
  18. Oh, thank goodness its not just me (22 in 3 weeks!) Its the sort of addiction you can only talk about to ather addicts; for a start, how do you begin to explain the problem to people who do not understand - a bit like trying to explain Morris Dancing or the British pantomine to foreigners? Yes, totally hooked, so any time you need someone to talk to.....
  19. Thanks Dave will change it.
  20. I came upon Geocaching on the BBC site 3 weeks ago. Days later I had my GPS and found my first cache the same afternoon. I am totally hooked, just wish these toys had been arround when I was a kid. I have already been shown some lovely places very close to where I live that I never would have seen without your help. Well done you all and keep up the good work.
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