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Posts posted by bikermel76
This forum thread suggests you're not alone:
Seems to only be affecting newly created PQs, so if you are in a hurry the suggested workaround is to modify an existing PQ to meet your needs.
Ah yes. Shame I dont have any old ones...bah
Hope they fix it by tomorrow then
Maybe you've changed this in testing the PQ, but as of 17:24 UK time there is no day ticked to run the query.
Intriguing - there is when I click the link, and when I look at my PQs. Defintiely seems like something odd is going on!
Sometimes the site is just querky. I've requested PQ's in the past that for some reason have never run. I just delete them and start again.
Hmmm *mouse* do you know somethng I don't? Is it perhaps YOUR Cache (GC142FD) causing the problem?
I did wonder...I'll wait til the morning and maybe try again *sigh*
It's also worth noting that the "day" doesn't change when you'd expect, so if you're up early in the morning it's still yesterday - quite handy if you want to run more than 5 PQs.
Yes we all know you're insomniacs
It was (Weds) 5am Pacific time when I ran them though, so that's not it
Thanks PP!
I ran this PQ, then the 2 Along a routes. This didnt work so I have deleted and done new queries twice, but since they all said 'Never' generated, I hoped they didn't contribute to my 5. FWIW I've marked it to run tomorrow too just in case, and finally yesterday to cover ALL bases! Still nothing...
Hoping for some help here. Fairly new to PQs. but I have successfully run a couple before (once I realised I had to tick a day!)
Today I just can't get one to run. On setting it up it tells me there are 200 results, and the preview is fine, but it is just sat there as 'Never' generated. I'd assume the queue was long, if the two (also brand new) 'caches along route' PQs I ran AFTERWARDS hadn't arrived immediately
Anyone got any clever ideas? Am I wrong in assuming that if the preview is OK then the query must be OK and it's the generating that's the problem?
I'd recommend you contact UKGeocachers (studlyone is his caching name) as they will handle it all for you - they did a great job with the SideTracked coins. They are now VAT registered so you'll have to pay VAT, but they deal direct with the mint so you wont have to pay for double shipping charges (China to US & US to UK!)
I think he's posted overseas at the moment, but his wife Katy will help you out meantime!
For anyone remotely interested the Event in Evesham, GC1H1GP is still on this evening, despite the weather conditions.
The event location is on the A46 and having just commuted from Birmingham I can confirm the roads are clear and the snow isnt sticking.
Hope to still see some of you there
Schnarff (in BikerMels account!!)
Of course if anyone else starts any coin projects please let me know and I'll add you to the list! (And Mandarin if the link to the list is too commercial let me know & I'll get Graculus to add it to his uber-resource site instead!)
Is there a list anywhere of 'genuinely' British coins - I mean ones put together by British cachers not just highlighting British places. I'm taking part in a few coin exchanges on the coin board and would like to always include at least one British coin. So far I've sent out Cornwall coins (need some more) and NW coins but would like a few more to choose from.
I'm creating a list - there are several still available (unlike the big coin stores who sell out within 24 hours or do pre-orders 'small' projects tend to have stock long after 'launch') The 2008 Cornish coin still ahs stock, as does the Berksire Search & Rescue
If you know of any others, please let me have the link/ contact e-mail and I'll add it
(edited to quote the correct post, I'll remember the button is at the bottom not the top ONE day!)
The SideTracked coins are now ready to order!!!
The coins are in the UK (though not with me yet!) We aim to start shipping w/c 20/10/08 but the store is now open for orders!
Note that Hider coins are only available to HIDERS of SideTracked Caches - if you are NOT on the list, or do not provide your Caching name when ordering you will be sent SUPPORTER coins instead!
The SideTracked coins are now ready to order!!!
The coins are in the UK (though not with me yet!) We aim to start shipping w/c 20/10/08 but the store is now open for orders!
Note that Hider coins are only available to HIDERS of SideTracked Caches - if you are NOT on the list, or do not provide your Caching name when ordering you will be sent SUPPORTER coins instead!
Or to save yourself even going to GC.com > search> scroll down page to Waypoint search box...
...instead use: http://coord.info/GCXXXXX
GENIUS, nice one Groundspeak
(yeah, and thanks JimJinks for telling us all)
Very nice design... when/where will it be available?
Will have a dedicated shop up soon, and likely to be a few on eBay too. We expect the coins to arrive in November. You can pre-order ont he e-mail address above.
As I understand it from the pinned topic I'm ok to post this here, but if I need to post this as part of that pinned thread (as everyone else appears to have), then please quack at me Mandy Mandarin
We've had the sample images of the SideTracked geocoin from the mint
More images and info in the Geocoin forum here
A taster...
Hey folks
We received sample images of our SideTracked coin. The antique gold is for HIDERs and the antique silver for SUPPORTERs (these will be engraved in place of biker mel) Coins will sell for £6 plus handling, shop to be set up soon. We're expecting the coins in November, pre-orders taken on info@sidetrackedseries.co.uk. More info on the series and the coin at the SideTracked website (same as the email address)
You can also view county boundaries in Google Earth by selecting Borders from the Borders And Layers options in the Layers pane (bottom left as standard). Nice when used in conjunction with the new States and the GC overlays.
Awesome, thx! (Been cross since GC switched to googlemaps, thus removing the counties when zooming out, and resorting to googling the nearest placename!)
Wow looks like the gang beat me to the CacheWalker plugs!
We're also considering a less strenuous monthly meet, with the focus on gassing and drinking rather than climbing Bloomin Hills!!! Unlikely to be as far north as West Midlands, but we will shift it around the catchment area a bit.
Would it be useful for current sidetracked owners to place a brief note in their current description, stating that future sidetracked caches will need permission. Maybe in the paragraph about what sidetracked caches are..?
Nice thought, but many already don't use the suggested text we give on the website (and that was used in the very first listing) The trouble is once one person fails to copy the text, if the next person copies their text, with minor changes, you soon end up with Chinese whispers!
I'll be updating the 'suggested' text as well as noting in our 'Get Involved' section that if you choose to hide WITHIN the station you will need to provide proof of permission!
+ LMAO @ dibbler
Interesting perspective from a rail employee/SideTracked hider also here
(sorry FantasticCat, looks like there will still be more, already 338 hides disagree with you
bikermel76 - series creator, yep, now you all know who to hate
It's annoying to see a "dog log" knock a useful cacher log out of the recent five in a PQ.
Not being elite members
we can't do PQs anyway, so we either check out previous logs before leaving home (whilst slowly downlaoding waypoints to the GPS one by one...) or go with the exciting frisson of not knowing what the last 5 people thought of the Cache (and bearing in mind that I reckon only about 10% of people ever log a DNF I am probably not at a huge disadvantage there anyway...)
That said, Kai only logs events. She has her own account because there isn't enough room in my logs on events to be apologising for her behaviour and thanking everyone who threw things for her, played footie with her or gave her a tummy rub! She also has her own geocoin collection, as she is trackable! She also has her own Cache, placed at one fo her favourite swimming spots
She's on our stamp (which says TFTC - bikermel76 schnarff & Kai found this Cache) because we almost always Cache with her, and we took up Caching because of her - it gives US something to do whilst out walking, trying to wear out our boundless-energy-Border Collie!
I did have a Zodiac Aries coin, but it's gone walkies...
Ahahahaha now that's a funny Spoonerism!
We're a bunch of Cachers who prefer to go walking to find our Caches!
We hold a quarterly event, usually with a walk beforehand (and occasionally after!)
The website is a bit bare at the moment as we're just moving across to a new one, however we have a new (bulletin board-style) forum and the site hosts the latest info on our TB race (CacheWalkers SuperBike Challenge)!
The forum includes suggested walks as well as general chat.
Most of our members are in the (Southern) Midlands (Warwicks, Worcs, Glos) but we do have a few from further afield (like Team Caracache from Portugal...
) and everyone is welcome!
You certainly can't beat Craggies, and there are lots of different sorts! Ours just go in the wash after every walk, then either go on the line or in the tumble drier. They dry off pretty quickly if you do get wet whilts wearing them too!
As it is the eve of the Ryder Cup
in Trackables
Woohoo! Mine arrived this morning, STUNNING very tactile too. Well done EP, superb as always! (and the service too!)