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Everything posted by Delta68

  1. My next idea is to connect the P550 to my laptop to provide dynamic positional information to MemoryMap and GSAK. Any idea how to set this up Moote? (or anyone else)
  2. Can someone please post the url for creating the TB summary for use on other web sites please? Is it actually listed anywhere? Thanks
  3. I'm looking forward to that.
  4. We tend to set our tougher puzzles 'premium member only' for the first few weeks; it's interesting to see how many people look at the cache listing and give an indication if they are actually do-able. All the serious cachers in our area are premium members anyway so it makes no difference to anyone looking at the details....
  5. Do you bother to contact the cacher if a DNF is logged on one of your caches? We do, as it just seems good manners (not that we have many on our high quality hides ) .
  6. Have never found needles but it's always in the back of our minds having been to a cache where previous logs have mentioned it being a problem, also after being bitten by a spider at the end of last summer I'm always very cautious where I stick my hand and will always use a 'pokey stick'. We're always very wary about letting the kids hunt for a cache, so will assess the area carefully on arrival at GZ. Donna
  7. We placed a cache a few months ago in a location featured on national TV but have not published it yet
  8. I just got an email from them admitting that they are HC What a waste of time that was!!
  9. It's nice to get FTF on a tricky puzzle cache
  10. Drifting off topic slightly, we were second to find on a cache once where the FTF had had extensive help from the cacher owner because he couldn't find it. What's on earth was the point in that! It's almost as pointless as logging finds on your own caches!
  11. OK, so I bought a 4GB card non HC and it doesn't work in the Mio It came with a USB adapter and it seems to work in the PC ok. This one It says HC right down the bottom but I emailed them first and they confirmed that it wasn't.
  12. Couldn't agree more! Our logging sessions can take a several hours (and quite a few glasses of wine ) in the evening when we get home. We normally use a sticker with the date+time if suitable for the size of the logbook. We mention trackables in-out and swaps in the logbook but usually only mention trackables on the website If it's a micro log then we just write name and date as a minimum. With regards to stickers, we did a new series last weekend and decided to go 'the wrong way' round to see if we would meet other cachers. We did, and two sets of cachers recogised us by our Labradors! (who feature on the stickers).
  13. I'd have to agree there but it does take a couple of hours or so which might be too much of a chunk out of your trip...
  14. I did this just the other day and found one I'd missed off our list: Request a 'My Finds' file from the PQ page, open the gpx file in a decent text editor and just do a 'find' for FTF etc
  15. I think it's a bloomin' cheek leaving a replacement cache. Mind you, we would go and check on a cache after a DNF so perhaps the owner is partly to blame...
  16. Just enter the tracking code into Trackables page then click 'Track'. That should tell you where the coin thinks it is at the moment.
  17. Oh come on PuP! If I had to rely on public transport and SideTracked ones were the only possibilities, I think I would have died of boredom long ago
  18. Used the new script over the last couple of days. It's great! Thanks
  19. We frequently come across finds logged by cachers who haven't been anywhere near the cache but someone else logs it on their behalf. Personally I wouldn't claim a webcam cache by posting a photo taken near by either but people do do this. Irritating yes, but to me it's like playing patience at cards - if you cheat, who are you fooling?
  20. A dark blue Diesel 2004 Mondeo Ghia 130 Estate Very muddy inside and out! Our last car (pre caching) was a 2004 Shogun Sport which would have been great for some of the caches we've been to. Donna frequently hints that it would be handy to have another Shoggie. Personally, I quite like the fact that the Mondeo does 50+ mpg even when doing *ahem* 70mph on the motorway. Our Shoggie's fuel consumption was a sick joke; 30mpg at best - more usually mid 20s (yes it was a diesel).
  21. I'll have to look into that. When I first tried POIs in tomtom last July all caches and waypoints had the same icon so what looked like a drive by cache and dash turned out to be a parking location etc and I haven't bothered since.
  22. A mere 45 within 5 miles of our home co-ords. 16 of which are our own quality offerings
  23. Thanks for all the help moote! Mio got back to me and suggested doing a hard reset as they recomend this after installing a patch. It's news to me!) Done that and ... touch-wood... it seems ok now. I'm just going through the tedious process of setting it all back to how I like things...
  24. Er.... but why is it doing it? Why is it only doing it when plugged into a power lead? It seems illogical to me Why is it fine when TomTom is running?
  25. Thanks moote but I don't thin it's that. The Mio switches off after about five seconds but only when the power lead is plugged in. I've reported it to miotech so hopefully they will have some answers. A quick search last night revealed a post on a forum by someone else having exactly the same problem a few months ago but had had no replies. It worked fine up until last week. I could happily drive along with Memory Map running but now this is only possible if not plugged in - not an ideal situation as the battery will probably be flat when actually needed.
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