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Everything posted by Delta68

  1. We won a 2007 lacky coin in the 2008 Harrogate Mega Event raffle only to find that it was already activated to Signal and they wouldn't transfer ownership! Well worthwhile Mark
  2. Miffed about: 14874 I logged two completely meeting the original cache setters' requirements and the reviewers deleted them after a a few weeks NOT FAIR!! Especially as Groundspeak claim to be 'only a cache listing site' and not get involved with removing or reinstating logs Mark
  3. Caught the repeat last night. It had very little to do with Geocaching as such; I presume they thought the iPhone app would make better TV than an old yellow Etrex It was filmed at Trickley Coppice N52 35.450 W001 46.500 There's no pukka Geocaches there anyway... Mark
  4. While you're in the area,Duke's Gazebo is a little gem! At first glance it looks like a drive-by cache and dash...
  5. When you set caches and you get logs like these: (The first two were on the bonus caches of two different series) This is part of a long log on a cache which is placed all by itself: Makes it all worthwhile!
  6. Shropshire 2007 (GC13AJ2) was great fun with the 'talent' contest and Team Mazipan's glass-walking antics etc Piratemania 2008(GC1812B) was another good'un... great location, excellent weather and great new caches... Mark
  7. When the first step in planning a holiday is seeing what caches there are in the area... Mark
  8. Thanks for the replies. Deleting the active mmo file did the job Thanks
  9. Memory Map crashes on PC (netbook actually) It's always worked fine until yesterday. I think the netbook battery went flat overnight with MM still running and now it crashes when when the splash screen shows. I presume something has got corrupted somewhere. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it again but it's made no difference Anyone else had this problem? thanks Mark
  10. One week I think It's from the 'date placed' date though not the 'published date' Mark
  11. Personally, I gave up using Advanced Search looooong ago It's never worked right since the UK Post Code search was screwed up in August '08 I just create a PQ and preview it instead... Mark
  12. Indeed! No forgetting The Geckos for maintaining the yosm.org.uk site Mark
  13. Had a valid found log deleted once - it was just a simple trad cache, it was not as though we gave away any spoilers etc We don't bother doing any of that CO's caches now - there's 1000s more in the world why bother with ones who give you hassle?
  14. GCC67 Mission 4: Southern Bowl the other surviving Project APE Cache has 231 watchers Mark
  15. Coincidently, we met Chiastolite at an event this evening. Always good to put a face to a name Mark
  16. If I were to drive in on the M40/A40 where would be the best place to leave the car and catch the underground to the centre? Thanks Mark
  17. Rather than joint ownership of a cache I'd like to be able to become a 'guardian' of a cache owned by someone else and be able to remove Needs Maintenance flags etc Example: We set a series last year whose route goes past an existing cache. It is currently in good condition but the owners no longer log on. We'd already decided to look after it but if anyone doing our series decides to put a Needs Maintenance log on it, there will be no way of removing it (although I expect our overworked reviewers can ) Mark
  18. A cacher here in England tried to set a challenge cache last year requiring finder to have hidden a number of different types and was told that Groundspeak does not allow caches where cache-setting is any part of the logging requirement
  19. We find it really useful as well! You can add our festive Abberley Advent[ure] series if you like. 24LBH + 1 unknown + an EarthCache and 2 existing Trads and en-route Mark
  20. Yup! We often don't read the pages for Trads either. This sometimes leads to surprises (GC1PPT3 UK Mega Series 2 051 springs to mind ) If the Cache has an unusual/interesting name we'd be more likely to read the page description. We found one today called 'The Leper's Well' (GC236HX) It's a drive by micro but the name alone made us read more... Mark
  21. I think I'd almost have been tempted to set it as a Mystery/Puzzle just to draw attention to the fact it's not a straight-forward as it may seem... Mark
  22. Without actually giving it much thought; perhaps a 'Reviewer Alert' or something would seem less harsh than a Needs Archive. I put an NA on a newly published cache a few months ago because it had an ALR on it and the owner was pretty miffed! It obviously didn't need archiving but that is the only tool available for a quick response. Mark
  23. Not sure if this is down to the last release or not as bookmark lists have always been a bit odd... I was just looking at one of our own bookmark lists containing 109 caches. If the 100,150 or 200 are selected in the drop-down list only 91 caches are shown If '100' is selected then caches 101 to 109 are shown on page two If 150 or 200 are selected there is no second page Mark
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