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Posts posted by Delta68
If I go to this page:
I can click on the Northeast, Midwest etc heading links and it goes through to a sub forum but if I click on the links for individual states it goes through to a geocache search page - not as expected as it says 'Talk Geocaching in '
Thanks -
Menu items 'Bulk trackable codes' and 'Gift a Premium membership' are missing accesskey tags
Thanks -
accesskey tags are missing for 'Bulk trackable codes' and 'Gift a Premium membership'
I use a greasemonkey script to customise the menu and it relies on the accesskey tags to work correctly
I'm only interested in traditionals.
London has lots of great Virtuals and the iconic Abbey Road Webcam!
It is only a matter of time before these icons make their way to geocache find page - why else would they have a 'locationless cache' icon as shown in the original post? They aren't visible on maps.
At least Greasemonkey or Stylish should fix that
I think that it is safe to assume, that the map (as horrible as it is in my opinion) is here to stay.
Of course! Why would anyone think any different?
This is the route they always take. They just stand their ground until everyone gives up complaining.
There is nothing else we can do. Yeah we can threaten not to renew our premium memberships but who will that hurt most?
Most previous pointless and irritating changes have been fixable with Adblock and GreaseMonkey & Stylish scripts. I don't think this one will be fixable though...
I hope Project-GC's servers can handle the extra traffic
Agreed, there is a workaround; However, this appears to be an obvious bug in the code and I expect the fix to be trivial.
It's not a bug, it was designed that way to prevent something... can't remember what though
A few years ago, there was uproar when the log icons changed
I mentioned how everyone hated the change to a Lackey IN PERSON (at a Mega Event) and the reply was "nobody died"
This is their attitude really.
Hey, the map has changed and it's unusable but [as far as we know] nobody died!
This is horrible - bring back the old icons, please! These are somehow iconic for geocaching like the Groundspeak logo.
Very true!
The next change will be the icons on the cache pages
Given that it's now three days since the change and no one fron HQ has commented (on issues regarding the map icons), I think we can all assume they are using their usual technique of just holding out until everyone simply gives up complaining.
Many canals now have series of caches.
True... but most of them are set along tow paths and NOT located so they can be reached from the water.
Settings > System > Interface > Hit: "Garmin Spanner"
From now on the unit will ask you to go in Mass Storage Mode. Hit No.
I'm been watching this thread with interest because it's been a real pain not to be able to use the Montana while charging in the car.
Problem solved!
Your stats look fine to me!
My, aren't we friendly?
For others who might be reading this thread, and since your early post asked "I wondered if anyone else had had a similar experience.", and since it has happened to me in the past, a positive response with an explanation seemed in order. YOURS is not the only case where this can occur. Those searching for answers that run across this thread in the future might benefit from other possible explanations for such an event.
EVERYONE knows it's possible to log finds on archived caches which is what your example was.
Logging finds on LOCKED caches is rarer
Being notified of finds logged on caches nearly 14 years ago was unheard of until very recently.
I was just notified of a 3 Nov 2002 log on a Locationless.
Have all the old logs been from 3 Nov 2002? seems like it...
That's a very interesting observation!
The notification I got for GC5569 (https://coord.info/GL16ZFF) was dated October 26th 2002 but looks like it was actually logged on November 3rd 2002 as the logs either side are (GL16ZFE and GL16ZFG ) are both dated November 3rd!
I have ALL the old Locationless caches on a bookmark list and set to receive notifications.
I received another email yesterday on another cache - GC5569 this time.
Once again, it was a log from 2002 logged at that time as well.
Yes. Even archived caches can be logged if 'found' if the finder can determine the gc code, and if a newly found archived cache is on one of your lists for which you're being notified, you're going to get a notification.
Example: I had a DNF that I returned to and found. Turns out the cache had been archived two days earlier. Since it was on my watch list, I got a notification of my own find.
How about reading the ENTIRE thread BEFORE commenting??!!!!
Please provide the GC Code, since you are posting in the website bugs forum. It's not possible to do anything with your report without investigating.
The GL code is GL16YGP
The preceding GL code: GL16YGN the following one: GL16YGQ are both dated with the same date which suggests that the log has been in the system for a long, long time.
It would probably be a lot easier for someone to check into if the GC code was supplied.
If anyone who could check wanted to check they would ask me.
I wondered if anyone else had had a similar experience.
On Saturday 30/07/2016 I received an email notification of a Found It log on an archived and locked cache which I have on a Bookmark List
The log was dated 03 Nov 2002
I thought maybe the cacher had found a way to log it and had made a backdated log but this does not appear to be the case because the 'GL' codes immediately before and after it have the same date.
Probably not worth investigating but I just thought I would mention it...
I don't know why Groundspeak are SO reluctant to add a Challenge Cache attribute!
'Field Puzzle' was added to the system with zero fuss and 'Wireless Beacon' was added virtually overnight when Garmin Chirps came on the market.
Relying on 'Challenge' in the cache name is just pathetic.
Yep, this is an oversight. I have notified the dev team.
Thanks Moun10Bike
What is accesskey used for on the hyperlinks?
I use it to identify menu items on my customisable menu greasemonkey script. But I noticed that 'p' is used twice on the home page (but not on others) so I have to do an additional check to identify the correct link.
Is this accidental?
Everyone's logs for these three Gems were deleted a few months ago
They were displayed for discovering at an Event in March 2009 but the original owner later sold them by the looks of it and the new owner deleted all the logs
in United Kingdom and Ireland
Posted · Edited by Delta68
What sort of size and style do you want?
We can supply laser-cut ones such as this one on our campervan. There's a slightly smaller one on the rear doors as well.
(Logo can be vertical with code underneath instead if preferred)