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Posts posted by Delta68

  1. I think the best idea would be to have a new set of attributes where the cache owner can show what language(s) the cache page is written in.


    Visitors could then run PQs to select only those caches which have details in their chosen languages




  2. You're wasting your time even suggesting it :rolleyes:

    I'm a fan of Virtuals and some were great but some are rubbish

    It's their rarity which makes them appealing


    Challenges challenge.png are NOT rare which is why they are not very appealing B)


    Virtuals have gone and they are not going to come back!


    We have 419 favourite points on our caches so by your suggestion I would be able to flood the place with 41 Virtuals. :huh:

    Cor! imagine that! No proximity rules either! It would be as stupid as Munzees :o



  3. I think I see what you are saying. Someone has your TB and is dipping it in every cache they visit whether they find it or not and you think this should not be possible.


    It does seem a bit silly doesn't it.





    Personally, I've dipped a TB (my own) in DNFs a couple of times ;)

    If I wasn't able to I wouldn't be too upset







    Edited to make sense :huh:


    This might / might not answer your question...



    So it looks like it might simply mean: 'Czech Wood Geocoin' :rolleyes:


    A friend who (who is a new cacher) currently lives in Czech Republic had picked one and wondered what it was.


    A previous maintenance log on the cache said:


    Vymenen logbook za nový a pridal jsem 1x CWG.


    Which Google tells me means:

    Exchanged for a new logbook and I added 1 CWG





  5. Hiya,


    After starting caching about 4 months ago, I have become a little bored of the usual cache at the base of the tree and base of fence post.


    200 finds and they are ALL Tradaitionals! :o

    No wonder you're getting bored :lol:

    I think you ought to try and find some other cache types


    Multis can be a bit more interesting as they take more effort to place

    Puzzles can give a great sense of achievement in solving the puzzle as well as finding the cache

    Oxford has some great Virtuals



  6. A cache was published over the weekend which was about 200 feet from the final location of a puzzle. It was set by someone with zero finds and the co-ords were later corrected.

    It is now ONE METRE from the existing puzzle


    A proximity checker would have blocked this sort of thing before it got published


    I suspect proximity checker would prevent a lot more problems than it would cause

    ... Assuming that the puzzle cache's final location was correctly input as an "Additional Waypoint." If it was an old puzzle that predated the waypoint feature, or if the owner updated the puzzle location but forgot to edit their waypoint, or if the owner provided incorrect information in the waypoint, then there would be no way of detecting the conflict you describe.


    It was not an old puzzle. CO says that it has a correct final location waypoint and cache has not moved since being placed


    It appears to be reviewer error exacerbated by duff co-ords


    However, this thread isn't about reviewers making mistakes; just saying that a proximity alert would have flagged it as soon as cache the listing was submitted B)



  7. There are also GSAK macros that will bulk-add caches to a bookmark list, including the ignore list. You would download them all into GSAK, filter for the ones you want to add to the list, then run the macro to add them.


    The GSAK API interface will do this. No need for macros as such




  8. A cache was published over the weekend which was about 200 feet from the final location of a puzzle. It was set by someone with zero finds and the co-ords were later corrected.

    It is now ONE METRE from the existing puzzle


    A proximity checker would have blocked this sort of thing before it got published


    I suspect proximity checker would prevent a lot more problems than it would cause




    1. log the cache as a find
    2. click add to Favorites
    3. Edit log to change it to a DNF

    As soon as you change it to a DNF, your favourite point will be removed from that cache, since you haven't found it.


    Really? Have you tried it?


    I have a favourite point on one of our own caches which I put there ages ago.

    I transferred the cache to my daughter's ID logged a find, gave it a favourite, transferred it back and deleted the find.

    The favourite point is still there!

    (I only did this to see if it could be done)

  9. ...Ironically my cache will use the same name!!

    Find your own cache name! :mad:


    Yes, please don't use the same name as an existing iconic cache.


    Although there is nothing to stop you from doing so it would overshadow it so to speak. If your cache is going to be a unique 'must do' cache it ought to have a unique name. ;)




  10. The 21st April has a pretty high number of events: 185


    These other dates with fairly high numbers are all OK

    14th April: 154

    28th April: 148

    9th June: 147


    I wonder if 29th Feb had problems as there must have been hundreds of events that day. Many of them are archived now of course :rolleyes:




  11. When marking a cache as "Needs Maintenance", a "Needs Maintenance" attribute comes on. But it does not go off with an "Owner Maintenance" log.


    It DOES go off with an 'Owner Maintenance' log! :blink:

    I presume you manually cleared the attribute on your cache 'Bridge to Nowhere'.

    It was there because it has an outstanding Needs Maintenance log on it





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