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Posts posted by Delta68
1 hour ago, Smitherington said:
One wonders at times the reason why someone would want to change their username. In this case there is an appropriate reason based on my research on Google.
“Uppercase delta (Δ) at most times means “change” or “the change” in mat
1 hour ago, Hynz said:Containing special not allowed characters maybe.
Which is what I was asking.
Is a space still allowed?
1 hour ago, Mausebiber said:
You can change your username to anything you want unless this name is already in use.
See original question.
On a number of occasions, I have attempted to change a username and been told it's not available despite there not being an existing user by that name.
Why would that be?Thanks
Using Urwigo, is it possible to include other .lua files?
A quick Google suggests this should be possible:dofile("filename.lua")
but when I tried (with the .lua file in the same directory as the .urwigo file), I got a linker error on compilation.
Wow that's quite a reply!All I needed to know really was if a decimal comma is used instead of a decimal point.
The reason I ask, is that I intent to make some of my Wherigos play-anywhere and reusable. The plan is the player (person) will go to their planned final location and request a code.
The code will be the current location encrypted in some way but with the decimal point replaced with a letter. Obviously, I'd need to ensure that the correct decimal separator is used when converting back.Thanks
Do Player.ObjectLocation.latitude and Player.ObjectLocation.longitude use a decimal comma in countries where a decimal comma is normally used instead of a decimal point?
My latest Wherigo creation has an item in the inventory which has a 'power level'.When the item is open, the power goes down. When it is not open the power builds back up again.I do this by having a 'close' button on the item which sets a 'recharging=true' flag and then shows to the main screen.An interval timer then checks the state of the of the recharging flag and incrments a counterThis does, of course, work fine because I wrote it and I tested it. However, if someone were to click the back button or home button (depending on the device), the recharging=true flag won't get set.So, my question is: Is there a way of detecting when the main screen is being displayed or when an item is no longer being displayed?I thought maybe the item.opened flag might indicate if an item is open but doesn't look like it
I'm using Urwigo builder and it's possible there is an un-implemented attribute I need to access in code
Thanks -
I'm using Urwigo.
Is it possible to order the items in the inventory?I have PAF and Hint items in the player's inventory which I would like to stay at the top of the list after picking up other items.
Thanks -
10 hours ago, barefootjeff said:
I also started in 2013 and I remember being able to see PMO caches on the browse map if I zoomed out far enough, but they disappeared when I zoomed in closer.
Yeah, that sounds familiar.
13 hours ago, Bl4ckH4wkGER said:
The web maps, both the Search Map & Browse Map, have
nevernot included preview-icons of PMO caches for Basic Members for a long time. Instead they have always included all non-PMO caches.On the mobile app, Basic members can see greyed out icons for non-PMO caches that are behind the paywall, due to higher D/T ratings. It doesn't include preview-icons of PMO caches.
The new search results didn't change that or what is shown on the map. Some of the default filter settings changed, so maybe you could verify whether that causes the difference in what you are seeing.
That said, it'd be great if you could provide more detail on what you see now vs what you believe to have seen before.Thanks for the explanation.
The cache I could see greyed-out was indeed a non-pmo higher difficulty.
We've only stopped being paying members this year (after fifteen years), so it's taking a bit of getting used to.
Our own owned caches are still PMO so not even visible to us.
I've just noticed that non-premium members can no longer see pmo icons on maps.
I presume this due to this latest change as I was able to see them a couple of weeks ago.
I wasn't aware of this change until yesterday.
Although it's something I thought I wanted (after receiving nasty comments in a private message from some idiot who had only just discovered caching), I'm not sure I like it
Someone with 60K+ finds published a couple of events in my notification area yesterday, well outside their usual area.
They are not a team I know of, and having everything locked down seems very unfriendly.
M -
On 6/23/2021 at 9:17 PM, Unit473L said:
Wait, so you can't give zones a specific name, like "lobby" or "church"? Doesn't that get confusing? Or am I missing something? Apologies if I'm barking down the wrong river, I saw the post and had flashbacks to my old programming classes and the importance of good variable names for code documentation.
I suspect it's to make it harder for the code to be read if it is decompiled.
1 minute ago, capoaira said:
oh my explanation was bad, sorry
For using zones, variables, ... in lua Code you have to Set the identifier. If this is "automatic" urwigo give the zone a random name...
Setting 'Identifier" to 'targetzone' as well fixed it!
50 minutes ago, capoaira said:
Do you have named the targetzone? There is a special field for naming zones, variables,... under the description. This name is the name for the luacode
Yes, the zone is named 'targetzone'
I have a zone called targetzone
I can display its name in a message box OK but if I try and use a function I get an error
The function is just:
function test()return targetzone.Name
On 6/21/2021 at 5:23 PM, Hügh said:
“zone” is simply the name of a variable that they have declared. You have not declared this variable and thus you are getting that error.
You need to replace “zone” with the name of the variable storing the zone you want to adjust. For example, “zoneABC”.
Surely 'zone' is the variable passed as a parameter to the function.
I can't get it to work either.
Passing a zone to a function or referencing a zone in a funtion always errors
I've copied day1976's example above, but I keep getting an error when I test it
Says: attempt to index global value 'zone' (a nil value)
any ideas?
Thanks -
How do I convert a pair of lon and lat values into a point so I can get the bearing between two points?
On 6/12/2019 at 3:57 AM, day1976 said:
Here are two screen shots of a cartridge that I built.
The first shows you a list of lua functions that I wrote.
The second shows you where I call the lua function to give me a result, which is saved as a variable.
Hope that helps.
I'm two year late, but thanks!
On 5/4/2021 at 1:13 PM, Keystone said:
That's right - Geocaching HQ chose not to include this search link on the new Dashboard.
I suggest customizing the home page search tool for just the way you like it, and then bookmarking the URL for that search.
I had a set of urls for shortcuts to various searches etc and I wrote a Tampermonkey script to change the main menu links to something useful.
Unfortunately, the recent change to the way the menu works has completely screwed-up my script!
I don't know what was to be gained changing the menu so it is all written dynamically
Is it possible to disable Markdown interpretation when editing a cache page?
I included [U] in a cache description and it got converted to <u> the text instead of just displaying it
Even using [U] got converted to a <u> tag
I've change it to [ U ] now, which will suffice but I'd prefer it if the editor actually did as it was asked!
What are the criteria for a username?
in How do I...?
Posted · Edited by Delta68
Spaces used to be allowed.
Why and when was it changed?